Happiness at the workplace
Adrienne Lotos
Professional and personal wellbeing coach with Horses. Trust the Horse and enjoy the process!
We all have our unique magic. Some of us are good at listening, some of us excel with figures, some of us like and can deal with complexity, some of us have endless empathy and can sooth others. Some show the way, others can thrive compromise, others can negotiate, and some of us just love what we do. And yes it makes us special! Like Unicorns.
Unicorns are not a special breed, neither illusion, we all become Unicorn when we can exert our magic. Do you know your talents, are you proud of them, can you see their magic ? I believe that we can all be Unicorns. We all deserve to be seen, be heard and recognized for who we are. By others too of course, but foremost by - guess who ? - ?Ourselves.
The bad news is : others can only see what we do not hide.
I ask you to close your eyes for some seconds. Can you remember that project, that initiative, that meeting where you sensed that your contribution really mattered ? Now, remember the feeling, remember the smile, remember the consideration and remember what made that project, that initiative, that meeting so important and special to you.
What qualities you were putting in practice, that felt easy, fluid, flowing and rewarding for you ? Remember the ease with which your energy flew when focusing on that. And how inevitable and unstoppable your success became. Can you recognize the energy it radiated, impacting maybe even inspiring all concerned ?
And could you feel the burst of energy it gave to You, without even feeling tiredness or the usual weariness. No wonder! Unicorns can galop endlessly fueled by their intrinsic motivation when connected to their gifts.
By becoming self-aware of our qualities we can embody them effortlessly. We become ?what we say, we walk our talk and so inspire others. ? By becoming self-aware of our genuine capabilities and purposefully applying them in a conscious manner they can lead us to feel fulfilled and happy in our jobs and ?result in greater empowerment and serenity in our personal life too.?
May you recognise and connect your special gift(s) !