Happiness at Work Starts with Strong Collaborative Relationships
Soumitri Das
LinkedIn Top Voice | Luxury Real Estate Expert | Propcore CEO | Strategic Advisory
How do you keep your employees happy? You might think it’s all about the salary, benefits and flexible working hours, but there’s more to it than that. According to Gallup’s Clifton Strengths Survey, what really makes employees happy at work are things like having good friends at work, supportive relationships with supervisors, and access to learning and development opportunities. So how can we ensure that our employees have these kinds of interactions?
#1: Create a fun environment
A positive work environment is essential to employee happiness, motivation, and commitment. Creating a fun environment can be as simple as adding some decorations to the office or having regular company-wide events. Whatever you do, make sure your employees feel like they belong and that their work is appreciated. Encourage employees to build supportive relationships with each other. Flexible hours are important because people have different lifestyles outside of work and different needs throughout the day. It also lets employees enjoy more time off when needed. Employees are more committed and perform better when they're happy at work. The positivity and happiness felt by employees directly impacts their motivation, commitment, and performance. Employees who are happy at work will stay longer than those who aren't. If employees don't want to stay in their current job, there's nothing wrong with letting them go if it's not a good fit. Employees should never feel trapped or pressured into staying somewhere they don't want to be. No one deserves that!
#2: Build supportive, collaborative relationships
Happy employees are more likely to be committed to their work and perform at a higher level. When employees feel like they belong and are supported by their colleagues, they are more likely to be happy at work. Creating happiness at work is important for employee motivation, commitment, and performance. The positivity and happiness felt by employees directly impact their motivation, commitment, and performance. The positive emotions generated at work can have a big impact on how employees approach challenges, interact with others and make decisions. These positive emotions can lead to an increased sense of meaning or purpose which also contributes to greater employee engagement. As employees become happier and more engaged, it has been shown that they are less likely to leave the company. Therefore, it is clear that creating happiness at work starts with strong collaborative relationships.
#3: Show you care about your employee’s personal life
It’s important to create an environment where employees feel like they can be themselves and that their coworkers care about them as people, not just workers. When employees feel like they have a support system at work, they’re more likely to be motivated and perform better. Showing you care about your employee’s personal life sends the message that you value them as a person, not just an employee. Here are a few ways you can show you care - Check in on employees when they seem down or offer encouragement?
-Support them in times of need?
-Listen when they want to talk about their lives outside of work?
-Donate money for charity in honour of an employee’s birthday?
-Write cards thanking employees for all their hard work?
-Offer time off after a big accomplishment Giving employees time off after a major project is completed shows how much you appreciate them and how happy you are for what they accomplished. Plus, it helps give employees some well-deserved relaxation before jumping into another project. -Celebrate employee accomplishments: Recognising and celebrating the achievements of your employees motivates them to do even better next time around. So take this opportunity to congratulate those who recently got promoted or received an award!
#4: Remove negativity from your workplace.
A positive work environment is crucial to employee happiness and, therefore, productivity. To create a positive workplace, it's important to remove any negativity. This includes gossip, complaining, and negative people. If you find yourself in a negative situation at work, take a step back and try to see the situation from a different perspective. Chances are, there is a way to turn it into a positive. Here are some of the most common complaints about work:?
-too much paperwork?
-I don't get enough opportunities for advancement?
-my boss doesn't know what I do?
-my job is too boring. There isn't enough creativity in my position?
-my co-workers make me feel unwelcome or unimportant?
We all have days when we just want to quit our jobs. But if we keep these feelings bottled up inside, they will only get worse. It can be hard to let go of an issue that bothers us every day at work, but sometimes talking about it can help us realise that it really does not have as big an impact on our lives as we may think.
#5: Give praise for a job well done!
It feels good to be recognised for a job well done. When we feel appreciated, it not only boosts our mood but also our motivation to continue doing great work. So if you have a team member who has gone above and beyond, be sure to let them know with some sincere praise. It'll make them feel good and remind them that their hard work is valued. It's also a great way to get feedback on how they're doing.
#6: Know everyone you work with cares about you
It's easy to feel like just another cog in the machine when you're working in a large company. But it's important to remember that the people you work with are just that: people. They care about you and your happiness because your happiness directly impacts their own. So take the time to get to know your colleagues, build supportive relationships, and create a positive work environment for everyone. And if anyone ever says something unkind to you at work, don't hesitate to let them know how hurtful those words were - but do so respectfully. The positivity and happiness felt by employees directly impact their motivation, commitment, and performance. Creating happiness at work is super important.
#7: Establish clear goals
One of the best ways to create happiness in the workplace is to start by establishing clear goals. This way, everyone knows what they need to do in order to contribute to the success of the company. When goals are clear, it's easier to feel like you're making a difference and that your work is valuable. In addition, if employees know why their work matters and how it contributes to the larger goal of the company then they will be more engaged. The more engaged employees are, the happier they will be. It also helps if each person has ownership over their work or responsibility for a specific task. To maintain this sense of ownership over tasks, managers should offer opportunities for growth and training so that employees can take on new responsibilities or take on leadership roles within their departments or teams.
#8: Reward positive behaviour
When we see our employees going above and beyond, it's important to reward that behaviour. A simple thank you can go a long way, but there are other ways to show your appreciation. You could give them a small bonus, public recognition, or more responsibility. Whatever you do, make sure it's something that will make them happy and motivate them to continue being top performers. If they've gone the extra mile for you in the past, this is the perfect opportunity to repay their hard work. Reward them with a day off, tickets to an event they enjoy, or some well-deserved praise! It doesn't have to be a big gesture - sometimes just saying thank you can go a long way.
#9: Listen to feedback from your team
It's important to listen to feedback from your team in order to create a happy and positive work environment. Feedback can help you understand what your team is thinking and feeling, and it can also help you identify areas that need improvement. Plus, when you show that you're open to feedback, it can help build trust and improve communication. The more your employees feel like they are part of the process, the happier they will be. Encourage your employees to speak up about their feelings: For example, if someone feels like they aren't being included in decisions or meetings, encourage them to voice their thoughts on the matter - but don't force them!
#10: Teach others to make your workplace more productive
We all want to be happy at work. And, while there are many factors that contribute to happiness, one of the most important is feeling like we belong. That's why it's so important to build strong, supportive relationships with our colleagues. One way you can do this is by teaching others how they can make your workplace more productive/effective. When you provide feedback or teach others what you know, you create a stronger sense of belonging and ownership in your team or company. You'll also feel better about your job because you're adding value and doing something great for the company!
Final takeaways?
1. To feel happy at work, we need to feel like we belong. This means building supportive, collaborative relationships with our co-workers.?
2. Knowing that what we do makes a difference is another important factor in happiness at work. When we feel like our work is meaningful, we are more likely to be motivated and committed to our jobs.?
3. The positivity and happiness felt by employees directly impact their motivation, commitment and performance. Creating happiness at work is super important for companies! It helps improve the company culture and employee morale which increases the chance of success for everyone.