Happiness is in the Pursuit
Jack Crabtree
Helping others be their best - Consultant - Writer - Project Manager - Human
Letting go of the Finish-Line Mentality
How do we create positive change while loving WHERE we are?
How do we create positive change while loving WHO we are….
If I am perfectly content, why would I ever get better?
If I am focused only on my future-self, how can I ever be content in the present?
Is it possible to find real happiness while still striving for better?
When we are driven by expectations, we lose our sense of peace
I will feel okay WHEN XYZ happens
When I get promoted
When I get married
When I have children
When I am able to retire
When I complete this project
When I move to a new city
When I can afford that vacation
But there is a difference between fulfillment and what we feel when we “cross a Finish-Line?”
When we set certain targets, objectives, goals, we imagine a future state
And in that state, we visualize ourselves to feel “content – happy – accomplished – enough”
But where does that leave our current self?
It creates a sense of emptiness with where we sit now
Goals are extremely important
I believe goals are essential in life
Goals are a tools that help us achieve success
But our relationship with goals is one that needs to be examined
We should not remove goals from our lives
Rather, how can we become more mindful about how relationship between our goals and our happiness?
Is it possible to be happy before the goal itself is achieved?
I was under the impression (falsely…) that if I allowed myself to feel happiness, a sense of enjoyment, before I reached that goal state, my drive would disappear
I would lose my motivation
I remember saying to a business partner,
“I don’t want to be happy. If I allow myself to become too happy, I won’t accomplish anything”
And thinking to myself,
“Everyone could be so much more successful if they weren’t so worried about enjoying themselves”
Sigh… younger Jack… you make me laugh
And as silly as it sounds, I genuinely believed I had it all figured out…
I now see that I was confusing complacency with happiness
Why would I keep pushing myself if I was content with who I am prior to crossing the Finish-Line?
Wouldn’t I just stop moving forward all-together?
If you are looking for factual answers to those questions, you aren’t going to find them here ?
Yet, I have developed a theory that has replaced my own Finish-Line-Mentality
I am happy here and now because I am working towards:
Having Children
Project Completion
A new home
That next trip
When we can find happiness in the pursuit, we don’t feel lost without the Finish-Line
I find that I feel my best, within the Pursuit
The Pursuit of Happiness itself, is reason enough to find peace in the moment
I love myself when I am moving forward
And I try to remind myself, that sometimes, moving forward means taking time to stand still…
To appreciate what is, rather than what I want to be…
I love myself when I am moving forward, not because I am moving forward ?
Even as I am writing, I try to remind myself of the balance
Part of mind is saying, “Once you finish writing, you can edit, you can generate a cover photo, you can post, and THEN you can feel a sense of peace”
This is my own “Finish-Line-Mentality”
I am trying to get to this destination
Where I can relax, catch my breath, and finally feel okay
It is as if there is a sense of urgency that takes away from my own peace
Yes, that urgency and and does drive change
But it has be channeled
Urgency can provide additional horsepower, but it is a dangerous pilot
When I let go of the future, and focus on what is right in front of me, I feel a sense of peace
The process of thinking – writing – being itself provides a sense of equanimity
I am not writing in order cross the finish line (okay maybe a little bit, we are all a work-in-progress)
I am writing – typing – thinking – and putting thoughts to words because I enjoy it
Creating dialogue (or written text) out of my feelings and emotions is rewarding intrinsically
Yes, I would like to share my work
And my hope is, that my perspectives can inspire, entertain, or give others a catalyst to reflect themselves
But even if these words never left this page, there is reason for typing them
This Pursuit is not just an external Finish-Line
It is a continuous understanding of self
And in that process, there is happiness
Now I can’t avoid this question….
“Why can’t we be happy without pursuit?”?
Why can’t we just be happy with life as it is…
And to be completely honest, I don’t know the real answer
Sometimes, I really wish that were the case
But the conclusion I have come to, is this:
The universe is always in motion, life is always in motion, time is always in motion
The pursuit is itself a form of motion
To think that we could be happy without pursuit is in disagreement with reality
All things are temporary, impermanence is constant
Therefore, some form of pursuit is necessary
Isn’t the idea of “No more pursuits” a pursuit itself?
I mentioned that I am still a work-in-progress, and we all are
Self-reflection can be so hard to do, but is so powerful
Consider taking time to ask yourself some uncomfortable questions
“What Finish-Line am I using to withhold my own happiness?”
“Is it possible for me experience joy while still striving for improvement?”?
“Could the best version of me exist before the Finish-Line is crossed?”
“How do I feel about me during the race itself?”
"Is there a universe where I am fulfilled AND driven to achieve?"
“Isn’t the fun of life in the pursuit itself”?
“There are no wrong answers, only different perspectives”
If you have found this perspective helpful, please share it with a friend