Happiness Is Progress
Greater Life
As an entrepreneur over 50, your time is just beginning… Live the Greater Life
The evidence is abundant.
Whether it be from any number of models of human needs - from Maslow to Robbins and everything in between - through to cliches like “if you’re not growing you’re dying” It is a given that growth, progress, a sense of achieving is one of the core factors that make life worth living.
But perhaps due to the larger-than-life heroes we empathise with on the big screen, it can be easy to fall into the trap of believing that we’ve only achieved if we land that million-pound contract or hit that personal best.
I spent so many years of my life in that mode. It achieved two things, both of which did not serve me.
Firstly I would beat myself up daily for not achieving more. Those closest to me were often staggered by my capacity for self-loathing.
Second I would never actually get much of great significance done because when the going got tough in one endeavour I’d chase the next shiny thing that I believed could deliver the achievements (and thus validation) I craved.
Yesterday was not a pretty day. Mike and I had to share some pretty frank exchanges. But I wrote this with a certain swelling of joy in my heart because by the end of the day, we’d made small but undeniable progress toward bringing the fullness of Greater Life’s membership offer into the world.
There is still much to do, and happily so - for this mission to build the world’s greatest community for enterprising over 50s would not be worth frank words and all the frustration were it not for its importance and potential for impact.
But to be able to recognise and celebrate these small steps. This is progress indeed on a personal level, and objectively. And it is hard not to feel joy when we can stack these little moments throughout our day.
So the question I pose to you today is twofold:
How good are you currently at acknowledging and celebrating the small steps?
And if your answer to the above is “not great”:
What is something you could implement in the next 24 hours to help you capture the significance of the millimetres you’re gaining so that the miles take care of themselves?
Here’s to your progress, here’s to your happiness and...
p.s. if you’d like to be the first to hear about our new community launch, you can get the full story by heading to www.gr8r.life, signing up to get updates and taking a read of over 100 articles and blogs created especially to help you live a greater life.
And follow the hashtags?#greaterlife?#helptheageless?#over50?#50plus #health #happiness #home #hustle