Happiness is overrated!
Naorem Nganthoi
S?o?c?i?a?l? ?M?e?d?i?a? ?M?a?r?k?e?t?i?n?g? ?S?t?r?a?t?e?g?i?s?t?- crafting creative, actionable strategies that position brands as visionary, inspiring, and impactful in driving meaningful change.
What is happiness and what defines happiness? Well, I cannot be wrong if I say it’s at each moment in life. And I cannot be wrong if I say happiness is overrated. “Happy people are boring people”, there you go I said it. A constant happy place is not interesting. It is a place that feels good to be in sometimes or from time to time. Dwelling there for a longer time is not interesting or fascinating. The constant search for happiness comes from the urge to avoid any pain or any news of disappointment for that matter. What is life without all these? Where there is light there is shadow. We need not always chant “ All is well”.?Sometimes all are not well. We are not here to live a comfortable life neglecting the hardships that we come across. We are here to experience both. We were created to experience a wide range of emotions. We cannot avoid all other feelings. We should feel all these emotions. And that exactly makes happiness overrated.
Living your life doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be with everything. If you woke up not feeling happy today, it’s okay. If your day is filled with rage and sadness, it’s okay. We need not attach everything to happiness. Not everything in this world is responsible for bringing you happiness. It is not important to allot everything or anything that you do to happiness. At the end of the day what matters is how much you have worked towards achieving your goals. We should learn to channel our energy to do what is right and what is needed. When we give more importance to making ourselves happy all the time, we are not giving ourselves the chance to enjoy our life to the fullest, which eventually will become frustrating.
Hence, it’s fine to have negative emotions. Too much indulgence in pursuing happiness will not make you a better person. Instead, you are training yourself to be a frustrated or boring person. To be in a comfortable zone and call yourself a “happy” person or shatter the chains of “being happy” and be a go-getter! it’s your call.