The Happiness-Longevity Connection

The Happiness-Longevity Connection

01. Introduction

Research consistently shows that happiness is a key factor in promoting longevity. In this edition of Inside Longevity, we will explore how fostering positive emotions and nurturing relationships can contribute to a longer, healthier life.

02. Be Happy, Live Longer

Happiness is crucial for mental health and overall well-being. Studies show a positive attitude can extend lifespan by releasing beneficial substances like endorphins and serotonin.?

Reducing stress and negative thoughts lowers harmful cortisol and adrenaline levels. Happiness can become a habit—the more you practice, the happier you'll be.

Tips To Be Happy

03. The Role of Close Friends

Studies have shown that social isolation and loneliness are linked to increased mortality rates, particularly in older adults. Having close friendships is associated with better mental health, including lower levels of anxiety and depression.

Learn about the importance of social connections, particularly close friends, and their impacts on longevity, healthspan, and mental health.

Positive Support and Longevity

04. How Pets Can Help You Live Longer

Owning a pet brings numerous health benefits that can contribute to a longer, healthier life. Recent studies suggest that having a pet can improve physical, mental, and social health, ultimately leading to a longer life.?

By examining scientific research, we highlight how pets can be essential to a healthy and happier lifestyle.

Pets and Longevity

05. Help Support The Dog Aging Institute

NOVOS is proud to support the Dog Aging Institute in raising funds for groundbreaking research on canine longevity. This initiative brings together dogs, owners, veterinarians, and researchers to conduct the world's most ambitious study aimed at extending the lifespan and improving the health of our beloved pets. By promoting healthy aging and advancing science, we aim to help dogs live longer, healthier lives- benefiting not only our pets but also their owners and the veterinary community.

Donate now to help add years to your dog's life and give future generations of dogs the best lives possible!

Donate Here


