Happiness in living is just round the corner
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Happiness always lies around the corner of each situation, but we wont feel it all the time.The way we look at things makes us feel happy. Observe at the people, some people's are always smiling in their hard situation also. They are not really happy, but they create the surrounding as all is well. Don't allow others to control your happiness. Find the Happiness that is always lies within you. And it is a ‘mirage'. It is always around the corner, but when will u be able to live in that state, if this is the ‘belief'.
Happiness is a state of mind. Good news is it can be programmed. Program your mind or re-program to be in the state of happiness. There are many courses that can help with this. I have personally benefitted a lot through the happiness program from the art of living. H.H. Sri Sri Ravishankar is an expert in re-programming. Happiness is always with us which we refuse to recognise and accept. Happiness lies in acceptance of yourself and accepting your life as it is.
When you approach an incident positively you can avoid changing it into a problem. As normal human, unexpected behaviour of others, especially of loved one also can hurt us and make us unhappy. For example my friend told an incident in her life.Her husband is of very dominating nature. He would not allow her to buy even a hair clip without his permission though she was also earning. As they grow old and retired, her husband somewhat changed little bit to an understanding person and become less strict towards her. But he starts to feel insecurity about finance.
She bought a flower pot and her husband took strong objection. My friend told me,’ I was much upset and even stopped talking with him for a while. Then I remembered his words he used while objecting my purchase, he said, ‘ why you bought it unnecessarily? We don't need it. We can't afford to spend on luxury items.’ I thought at least he didn't shout at me for not taking permission. His concern was only on wastage of money. In younger days he might have shouted at me for not taking his permission. He has changed in many ways. He has calmed down. His attitude has changed. How i can expect more! Shouldn't I accept him as he is?’
It is her attitude and positive approach made the scene light and allow her to stay happy. We can follow her thinking and avoid many of the incidents changing in to a problem. I am happy being alone and I will give you my example of how I keep myself happy. Never regret that you are alone. People may ask you to not isolate yourself and that is true up to a certain extent but being around filthy and selfish souls is even worse. I love my space. I spend most of the day here. Either I study or work. Yes, I am preparing for govt job exams
I have no desires of baby-shona-chandi-laal-peela- - -Sleeping at sharp 10:00 PM and waking up at 5–6 AM makes me happy. I can’t compromise my sleep for anyone. Whenever I get bored, amazon prime is there to chill me out or I love listening to Ted Talks. I have developed a reading habit. I finished off 4 novels and now reading Indian Polity. I love to read Political Blogs and listen to Political interviews I just love to gather knowledge about Indian Politics (no interest in becoming a Politician).
Love to spend time with my family. I crack lame jokes and we all enjoy the moment as Satisfying Whenever I get the opportunity I travel and travel alone. Plug-in the earphones and you are the boss. I spend 1–2 hours in the evening sitting alone (either I go out or terrace is there for me) and talking to myself about any random stuff and that calms me like nothing.
I love spiritualism hence I also keep myself busy in reading blogs about that and knowing as much as I can. I love being secular here hence read about every religion. Yes, I am happy alone because I am just enjoying this moment. I won’t deny that sometimes it feels like there should be someone to whom I can share everything but I know I won’t be able to handle consequences. Being alone is not a curse, treat it as an opportunity to develop yourself into something more mature and more productive.
During my childhood, my parents went through a lot of financial crisis. It was one thing after another. First, my grandfather fell sick. My father spent a lot of money on him, but we couldn’t save him. He passed away when I was in kindergarten. Then, before my father could get out of the financial issues from his medical bills, his business partner cheated on him. So, he lost a lot of money. Again, before we could get out of that, my grandmother fell sick and we spent a lot of money. But, unfortunately she passed away fighting cancer.
In spite of all this, my father always made every passing day better for us. I used to see all my school friends go on trips during summer holidays with their family. Few went on International trips as well. For us, even a trip to our hometown was a luxury. We were not able to afford such things in our life. An International trip was a dream! We had a snack quota of 5 Indian rupees, every evening. I used to go in the evening to buy snacks for me and my elder sister using that 5 rupees. I still remember, one day, I got something for 6 rupees. It was 1 rupee more than what we were supposed to use. I bought it along with other groceries and went back home.
I was so worried I overused the money. I told my mom that I will compensate it with buying stuff for 1 rupee lesser the next day. She hugged me and cried. That day has distinctively stayed on my head. Fast forward to few years later. I scored good marks. I got into a good college. I got a good job. I moved to another company with a better salary. I bought them a house. I took them on a domestic flight. Their very first flight journey. My mom was super happy. They went on their very first International flight soon. I took them around in Paris. You ask me, “what makes me happy?” I say, “it’s to surprise and give back as much as I can and as long as I can to the two people who made so many sacrifices to get me where I am today!” Cheers!