I've always been a generally happy person. That doesn't mean I don't worry, it doesn't mean I don't get angry, and it doesn't mean I don't feel down from time to time. That's part of being human. Feel better already, right?

There are hundreds of articles that tell you how to be happy or suggest habits to make you happier. These are great. You certainly shouldn't dwell on regrets, shouldn't complain, should distance yourself from negative people, keep an open mind, stay curious, do what you love... The list goes on and on. One thing nearly all of these lists include is, BE GRATEFUL. So, what exactly does that mean? Let's take a step back.

I think one of the biggest barriers to happiness is unfulfilled expectations. You expect that you’ll reach a goal by a certain time and then beat yourself up if you don’t meet your self-imposed deadline. You expect your mate to behave in a certain way and when they don’t, you get angry. You see where this is going here?

That Gratitude part of the happiness equation is seeing what you DO have. So, it may take more time than you expected to reach that goal. Think of who you are today compared to when you began. Think of how much you've learned; you won't make those mistakes again, will you? You're closer than you ever have been; keep going. So, your mate didn’t do what you asked them to, is it really worth getting angry about? Think of all the things they do for you that make your life so much better. Extrapolate at your leisure.

Gratitude is not seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, it’s appreciating what you do have. That includes appreciating yourself, your family, your friends, and your team. It may be a little like looking at the glass half full. You're changing your perspective, changing how you interpret events in your life. Is that so bad? I don't think so. Here's to your happiness!

