Happiness is Fleeting
Every one of us wants to be happy in life. In my school course, there was a poem whose title was Happiness. The poet said that though all people madly pursue happiness in life, they hardly succeed in achieving that. They instead attain the opposite in their search for happiness in this world. The thing they achieve in abundance is sadness.
Happiness in our lives is like a watermelon. Only a watermelon knows the colour of its inner self. Until and unless we cut it open, we can’t surely say what colour it has in its core. We can’t cut open the heart of a person to know whether he is happy from the inside or unhappy. The mental state of a person is only known to him. The outward look, as far as happiness or sadness is concerned, is mostly pretentious.
Very few people wear the actual look for fear of being ridiculed. Those who share their sadness or suffering with others seldom get true compassion. Sharing too much of our problems or internal conflicts may cause others to take advantage. They may even start ridiculing us in the back or adding to our worries. Most people, therefore, suffer in silence rather than making it public.
We start our lives with hopes of success, achievements, and prosperity, and we want long-lasting happiness from them. But the absolute majority of us fail to reach that goal. The failure can sometimes be attributed to our own deeds; it can sometimes come from our own flesh and blood or from people who had a dominant role in our lives.
There was a time when I used to feel humbled by luck or God’s betrayal. The people living around me looked happier; their body language helped me understand that they had little trouble in their lives. However, a moment came when I started to understand that everyone had problems of varied magnitude, and everybody was indeed a watermelon with hidden colour. Better late than never, I learned a lesson about happiness in life: happiness?is fleeting, it is?momentous,?and we shouldn't strive to be?happy?all the time.And, suddenly, I found it alleviating my pain.?