Happiness does not wait for right moment

Happiness does not wait for right moment

Happiness is not something you wait for..because happiness is something you create for yourself.. Don't let other people or any situation ruin your happiness..Being happy from within is d most amazing feeling ever.. You have born alone.. So how can you expect that people will make you happy all the time..Until and unless you are satisfied and comfortable, you cannot be happy..So, do not wait.. Go Create it..I am happy being alone and I will give you my example of how I keep myself happy. Never regret that you are alone. People may ask you to not isolate yourself and that is true up to a certain extent but being around filthy and selfish souls is even worse.

I love my space. I spend most of the day here. Either I study or work. Yes, I am preparing for govt job exams. I have no desires of baby-shona-chandi-laal-peela- - -.Sleeping at sharp 10:00 PM and waking up at 5–6 AM makes me happy. I can’t compromise my sleep for anyone. Whenever I get bored, amazon prime is there to chill me out or I love listening to Ted Talks. I have developed a reading habit. I just love to gather knowledge about Indian Politics (no interest in becoming a Politician).

Love to spend time with my family. I crack lame jokes and we all enjoy the moment. Satisfying. Whenever I get the opportunity I travel and travel alone. Plug-in the earphones and you are the boss. I spend 1–2 hours in the evening sitting alone (either I go out or terrace is there for me) and talking to myself about any random stuff and that calms me like nothing. I love spiritualism hence I also keep myself busy in reading blogs about that and knowing as much as I can. I love being secular here hence read about every religion.

I am happy alone because I am just enjoying this moment. I won’t deny that sometimes it feels like there should be someone to whom I can share everything but I know I won’t be able to handle consequences. Being alone is not a curse, treat it as an opportunity to develop yourself into something more mature and more productive. Dad, I need your help. Come here!” My 11-year-old girl dragged me towards the computer. “Dad, please purchase everything I have in the Amazon shopping cart. Here, take this cash from my savings!”

The shopping cart showed ten items for a total of about 130 od value. "Wait!” I replied. “That’s too much money! Why do you need all these things?” "Please, Dad! These items will get here before Christmas. I have a surprise for everyone … no peeking!” she insisted, and I never hesitated. I purchased everything. A couple of days later she got everything. I saw her then wrapping all her gifts. “Can I help you?” “No, Dad. I told you these are special surprises. Absolutely no peeking!” Her excitement was visible. She was proud. She was alive. She was glowing with happiness.

Then the day came. She couldn't contain herself. She was all over her gifts, planning, protecting, arranging. Everything had to be perfect. As soon as dinner was over, she jumped up from her chair and took her gifts. She went around, giving each one of us her piece of love. These were small value items, but it was the meaning of her giving heart that we were really feeling. As she gave to each person, she paused. She watched the expression on our faces. Our smiles were her greatest reward.

Her last gift was for my back then 2-year-old boy: A rocking pony ride-on toy. It’s hard to describe the explosion of delight that my little boy had on his face when he got this gift! For several minutes, everyone was totally absorbed, our attention taken up watching him go all around the house making it a rodeo arena. Even though the pony is designed to be a static rocking horse — his excitement was so significant that the horse slid a few inches forward or backward with every thrust he exerted into the little toy. Cheers!

Natasha Patel

Housekeeper on PICU ward

2 年

Happiness lies within oneself?



