Every person on the planet wants to be happy.
Happiness is the single most important thing that we all chase and want to experience.
It has been this way since the beginning of time.
But how many people place the pursuit of happiness as the most important thing in their lives?
How many people measure their level of happiness by the level of unhappiness that they are experiencing?
Most people can readily define unhappiness.
Not so many can readily define happiness.
Many value it, say they need it but actually think little on it, do little to achieve it and do not give it any real priority in their day.
Many will think, say or comment at various points through their day that they are not happy.
How many say “Hang on a minute – Do you know I’m happy?”
Happiness in our personal lives leads to a longer and healthier life than we would otherwise experience.
Happiness in the work place can lead to outstanding results across all K.P.I.’s.
So why do many invest so little (especially in business) in the achievement of outstanding happiness.
There are those – relatively few who attain ultra-Happiness.
And as we have seen it has nothing to do with fame, wealth, celebrity, the gift of talent or circumstance.
Being happy is the biggest gift that life has to offer.
So we all owe it to ourselves to define what happiness is and to go out into life and grab it with both hands…