Happiness is contagious!
Gloria Belendez Ramirez
Happiness Ambassador enticing others to choose happiness
Welcome back to staying happy!
Welcome back to this Happinizing Platform, in which I am so eager to share with you how it is that my constant endorphinated state gives me the support to endure “challenge attacks” in order to stay in the gratitude mode, happy, assuring in this way the continuous gush of endorphins, the chemical responsible for me to stay clear, calm and content.
If you want to see the scientific side of staying happy, there are many articles that you can google… I prefer to stay in our inner technology, which Source provided us with when we were so perfectly created; now let us naturally simply follow the “I feel good” GPS.
Let me describe you my today…join me in this happy ride, no matter what!
Starting my day thanking Source for yet another happy, wonderful day!
My daily happinizing ritual
Swimming in Gratitude
It is my daily practice to get up at 5 am, dedicating 5 hours, until 10 am, to myself, doing the following activities:
- Meditation
- Swimming in the sea
- Preparing for a hearty breakfast
- Reading what my heart enjoys
- Going to the gym
- Observing and speaking to nature…
All these things make me feel content and grateful, helping me to start my day swimming in gratitude…
At the beach at sunrise, feeling awe while being surrounded by amazing constructions here in Dubai…. just 30 years ago all this was JUST SAND!
Indeed we humans are walking miracles…including YOU!
My first meeting…successfully provoking more endorphins
I had a noon meeting here in Dubai; I was eager to meet a CEO Clubs fellow member, so happy to share projects.
Arriving at the iconic Jumeirah Beach hotel in itself was a very gratifying event. More so when I got to hear about Izzat’s amazing projects, directed to provide the community with great services which are fun and innovative.
Izzat Rustom, CEO of Dubai Exotic Limo planning the next event
My endorphins tank was being filled rapidly, provoking a great base for brainstorming, setting the GPS to the “It feels good” direction.