Chapter- 24
Donate However Small It Is
Many people want to donate but ultimately they don’t. If you ask thousand people, you will find most of them want to donate small or big amount for some charity or good cause. In reality due to one or the other reason out of ten thousand hardly one person donates. It is not true that the remaining 9999 people don’t want to donate, but the problem lies somewhere else.
On the contrary in a railway station when a beggar begs most of us help him, it is also a kind of donation. The conclusion is that, while donating we hesitate and due to this hesitation either we stop or we delay. But if we take a slight lead then we will be able to donate.
Generally we don’t refuse whenever the opposite party comes to us. So we need to have some little lead to help the oppressed. One may think what is the relevance between the title of this book and donation. There is. I told previously that happiness is nothing but doing simple things in a simpler way. To donate small amount is also a simple gesture. Wealth is not happiness but a fresh yellow rose can make you happy within fraction of a second. It is instantaneous and spontaneous. Every deed out of which we derive pleasure adds happiness to our life.
Many people want not to be named after donating certain amount to some organization. That is also a form of ego. It is dangerous. That is an ego shown to their own souls. This can be defined as self-ego. Drop this. Let the charity organization inscribe your name. Who is going to read that? And if at all they read, who is going to remember that?
Just give and feel the pleasure out of giving something. Once one peon wanted five papers from me, I gave him fifty papers. He was happy beyond measure. This is also donation and it gives pleasure to both. Generally an immature mind derives pleasure out of possessing something. School kids don’t donate their books even after getting promotion to the higher class. Though they are well off; still they don’t donate. It is not their fault, because they are not taught values by their parents and family members. They are not taught how to help the oppressed class. If you donate $1 per day and donate for 50 years it will be a donation worth $18250. Is it a negligible amount? Certainly not. So it is the time to do some thing for the downtrodden of the society however small they may be.