Happiness: 6 Triggers to Reach It
Rodrigo Alves Ferreira .·.
Big Data Consultant at Claro Brasil | Member at Mensa (the Hi-IQ Society)
Everything in our lives requires a certain effort, a lot of work, even the most pleasant situations, such as preparing for a party or a trip.
The truth is that things to happen need certain attitudes planned and executed in the right way.
With happiness it is like that. Even if it cannot be achieved directly and is the consequence of other things we conquer. A by-product.
As something that can only be achieved indirectly, we need to know how to proceed and what we can do to reach this most definitive of our goals as quickly as possible.
Perhaps you are already on the way and just need to sharpen your strategy to optimize and speed up the process. Appropriate attitudes, intentions, and behaviors make everything easier (or at the very least less difficult), which encourages anyone to go ahead.
Here I'm going to propose a reflection on ways to be happy faster, but, not to sound boring, we disguised this in 6 triggers for happiness.
#1 - Put a "Reason" to everything you do
????Why do you do everything you do? Why do I want to do this and not that? Do you know why you are doing what you do? What are your personal reasons for acting?
????If you don't know, you will end up acting for the wrong reasons, such as pleasing others or compensating for your inadequacies: insecurity, self-assertion, competition, etc. Pure useless reaction.
????You need to do something because it makes you happy or makes your life better. Never to match the demands of the world.
????No action should be taken simply to favor others. As also they should not be taken for the wrong reasons mentioned above.
????When you know the purpose of your actions, you better choose which ones, how and when to take them. This will avoid wasting time and the results will be more effective.
????Do you act on impulse? In search of pure pleasure? If what we do only makes us happy momentarily, something is missing.
????Pleasure is good, but it is necessary to have a reason behind all of them, so that they generate happiness.
????How about growth and contribution? Growth will be everything that your attitudes will bring to make you better as a person, while Contribution is what will result from these attitudes and that can help other people.
????Next time you try anything, think:
????"How will it help me grow or contribute in some way to the environment?"
????You now have a reason. Your things from now on will have much more meaning and value.
#2 - Make a real decision
????You already know why you are going to do something, very well.
????But, are you really determined?
????It has nothing to do with willpower, the decision is only genuine when you already know what you want, because this avoids internal conflict or you have already created external conditions to achieve your goal, because we tend to let ourselves be influenced by the environment.
????It doesn't matter so much your inner resolve, you won't change your life if you don't change your environment. This is where willpower fails. It does not focus on changing the environment, but on increasing personal efforts to overcome that environment. And what happens? You end up succumbing to it, despite your best efforts to resist.
????And don't we all know intuitively that most things forced are unnatural?
????Of course, not everything will be possible for you to accomplish, no matter how determined you feel and the environment is set up for it, and self-help books lose points in the medium to long term in this.
????But whatever you achieve will always depend on these two factors: a strong inner resolve and a stimulating environment.
#3- Start from your reality
????Your reality is all you have, and any change starts….right where you are!
????Of course, seeing yourself as someone else, somewhere else, living another life, can inspire you, but while it's a natural way of projecting your ideal future, it can be distracting.
????The problem with change is that we tend to think that there must be "special circumstances" that prompt us to act. We deny the reality about and in which we can do something.
????"Oh, if only things were different...". No, they are not different, this is your reality!
????You wait for the situation to change for you to act, but if the situation changed by itself, you wouldn't have to act anymore, would you?
????Therefore, not taking action is a form of procrastination, after all, if it is the reality we live in that bothers us, it is precisely on this reality that we must act to change it!
????Your reality is the "special circumstance" that needs to be changed!
????Therefore, waiting for a different situation is just a more or less convincing subterfuge that we invent to do nothing.
????The horrible reality we live in always seems insurmountable and immutable, yet it has its weak points, its malleable, changeable zones. That's where you have to start.
????Have you heard a lot about living in the present moment? Well, instead of wasting your thoughts remembering the past or anticipating the future, how about starting to act in the present moment?
????Be aware that all you really have is the here and now, both to make you sad and to take action, so look at your situation, recognize it and act!
#4 - Know your resources
????But of course there are actions that are more suitable than others and knowing what we are really capable of is the secret of everything.
????Unaware of our conditions, we become, as philosopher Mario Sérgio Cortella would say, "incompetent with initiative", and nothing can be worse than a motivated idiot.
????You get excited, put your feet in your hands, break up and end up convincing yourself that you should never have acted, that you weren't born for that and retreat into the "good" old comfort zone.
????Success, achievements and personal acquisitions do not depend only on commitment. If adequate and indispensable resources are not there, your goals will be nothing but empty dreams.
????Resources, conditions and means are formed by the set of internal and external elements that enable us and make it possible to achieve something:
???????A) talents and personal qualities
???????B) suitable environment and circumstances
???????C) favorable people
???????D) means and material resources
????Don't think, don't imagine, don't risk anything, without knowing what your real conditions are. Get to know your possibilities as much as possible before anything else.
????Let us take as a reference the talents and qualities in relation to others.
????If the environment isn't suitable, but it's that kind of place that not only doesn't see but bury your talents, you don't grow, you don't stand out and you suffocate.
????People who are not favorable or whose preferences are different from yours is also a determining factor that can hinder any development.
????What about when you have perfect talents, a suitable situation and favorable people, but the material resources are lacking to pay for that course, specialization or trip? Okay, everything went down the drain.
????Always remember: it's not all about you and your talent, no matter what the world tells you. This is something we all need to recognize to avoid a lot of pointless pain.
#5- Commit to yourself
????Happiness is an individual matter. That means it has to do with your dreams. So get ready to give yourself more attention.
????Committing to you means letting people know what your needs and priorities are. It means that there will be non-negotiable moments, situations, spaces and areas in your life.
????If this is not made clear to people, they will take advantage of you. Human beings are predators by nature.
????Want to be happier?
????I have to tell you: don't follow the majority! Or do you want to be like everyone else?
????Living in a group has its advantages, as we are not self-sufficient. Others make many things easier and many difficulties are better overcome with the help of more people.
????As everyone is in a constant dispute for attention, advantage, power and personal affirmation, it is clear that the coexistence between humans is not peaceful. This game is often unconscious but very real.
????Group life is demanding: if you start to express your desires and these do not reflect the prevailing common idea, you will suffer reprisals. The subliminal message is this: either you fit in or you're out. Human beings hate what they don't understand. So, if you realize that you don't have support to carry out your projects, don't force it. Just defend yourself and walk away. It takes you to have a strong sense of commitment to yourself to keep going.
????At these crucial moments, you should only listen to the opinions of people who are willing and able to help you. But not everyone who wants to help you can actually do it. They may just be well-meaning people. Furthermore, people change. And for a thousand reasons. If they improve their lives, they change. If they get other interests, they change. If you don't always say yes, they change. I'm sure right now you're remembering several situations like this in your life...
????Think of all the times you were really bad, sick, lost, or frustrated. Who was there with you, supporting you, trying to understand the situation in all its depth and overcome it as quickly as possible? It was you, wasn't it? Well, whatever the situation, be your best supporter and friend.
????Any social apparatus that by some chance you may have around you today, at the "H" time, can fail. And you can have just yourself. So assume, and for all intents and purposes, ultimately commit to you.
#6 - Beware of "resilience"
????The term was put there on purpose. People, not to take action, arrange pompous and beautiful concepts to disguise their laziness, procrastination and lack of attitude. But what really is resilience and what isn't? Resilience is adaptation to the hardships of life, to the unexpected. It's a really amazing thing, but never confuse resilience with conformism, EVER!
????It's true, being resilient, that is, having the ability to deal, process and recover in the face of difficulties and challenges is fundamental. But not all calm and thoughtful behavior in the face of adversity is configured as resilience.
????Let's say you tried something and failed. He's down, trying to get back up, as he reflects and learns from the fall, to try again smarter. You're resilient, but if you're just lying there, regretting failure, not wanting to move, you're just a slacker. There are people just conforming, waiting, postponing, and resilience has nothing to do with it.
????Next time you think you're just being resilient, ask yourself if you really can't do anything, if you're still in "recovery mode". Also see how much of this is not laziness or lack of self-esteem, fear of other people's opinion, etc. Only after passing these filters could your attitude be called resilience.
????"Resilience is about how fast you recharge, not how long you last."????