You are a busy dad and with that comes the acceptance that you are going to spend the majority of your day doing stuff. I understand the justification you tell yourself, ‘I haven’t got time to look after myself’ because at face value that all seems plausible, but deep down you know it’s a lie.

So to help spark some motivation here are some reasons why you should stop making up justifications and start lifting metal. After all you’re a dad and looking after yourself isn’t a choice, it’s a necessity! Now before you stop reading this blog assuming I’m going to talk about the normal crap like ‘BURN FAT’ and ‘BUILD MUSCLE’ , I’m not. Even I was surprised when I found out about some of these benefits…

1.Just 1 hour of exercise increases your longevity by up to 3 hours! This was a study called the Alumni study and was carried out by the Harvard Medical school. It showed that 1 hour of exercise increased your life by between 2-3 hours, that’s an interest rate of 200/300%! If this was a savings account, you’d be all over it. The problem with statistics like this is it doesn’t exactly tickle the testicals of many, as we all want quick, tangible results right. So the thought of adding 2 hours to your life when you cant be bothered to get of the sofa, might not be enough to get your motivated. So here’s a gentle reminder that as a dad it is your responsibility to be on this planet guiding your kids through life for as long as possible and going to the gym lifting some metal and putting back on the floor again seems like a fairly easy way to achieve this.


2.Exercise improves your intelligence! A study carried with a small control group of just 48 people found that those who exercised for 1 hour each week for a year increased their IQ compared to those who didn’t. The reason for this is because exercise increases the blood flow to your Cerebral Cortex, this is the largest part of the brain and is responsible for cognitive function and intelligence. So here’s another pukka reason for hitting the gym, not only does exercise make you live longer but it also makes you smarter. But if that’s not enough mojo to get you up, then here’s some more reasons.


3.Exercise increases your natural testosterone levels. From the age of around 40 your testosterone levels start to decrease by between 1-3% per year. This can be mitigated against through lifestyle and exercise, especially weight training as this will increase your natural test production. After you finish training your testosterone levels will remain at their peak for around 15 minutes, so if you suddenly have the urge to go pay your wife a visit this is perfectly normal. So, here’s another 2 reasons why you should exercise, it stops your sausage becoming a floppy sock and is likely to improve your relationship with your wife. Testosterone is also responsible for red blood cell production in the body, low test levels mean a lower blood cell count and this will negatively impact your energy levels. So, if you’re feeling like just cant be bothered to do anything, a decrease in testosterone could be a reason why.


4.Exercise makes you think more positively. I have heard the saying ‘all mental health requires physical intervention’ and this is true, but I didn’t release why. When you exercise your brain releases different neurotransmitters including dopamine and endocannabinoids both of which make feel happier and help you think about life more positively. I was literally talking to a potential new client yesterday who said he mentioned to the Dr that he was feeling rather negative and so what did ‘Dr I cant be arsed to listen’ recommend, antidepressants. People need to take ownership of their physical and mental health, its your responsibility to look after both and not find a solution in a pill or potion. If you are a glass half empty kind of guy, then my question to you is, ’do you exercise?’. If the answer is no, then you need to regain control.


So just to conclude for those who are still on the fence about making your body fitter, leaner and stronger, exercise will:


?·Increase your life

?·Improve your intelligence

?·Increase your testosterone levels

?·Make you view the world more positively.


For you to perform your best as a dad, its important you operate at your best and this starts by assigning time for you each week. All you need is 2/3 30- minute workouts each week to achieve the above. I have even created a brand new workout programme called ’30 Minute Muscle’ so you literally have no excuse, I have even included a FREE download of this programme below. If your still on the fence about introducing exercise into your week, then I give up with you. I think you would be better off setting up a Tick Tok account AND becoming the UKs very own ‘Man Vs Food’ might as well die early with a mouth full of meat.

Download your FREE copy of ’30 Minute Muscle’ below:

BDTC Free download 30 minute muscle


Coach James


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