It Happened! Now What...
It happened. It had an impact. It caused you to pause. It caused a set- back, created an obstacle. IT HAPPENED! How much longer are you going to allow it to replay in your mind? It may have been a mistake, a decision that may not have been the most ideal, and yes, it probably caused a great deal of pain. However, you have the choice to move on. Learn from it, make the necessary adjustments, avoid making the same mistake, but most importantly, move on. By doing so, you allow the impact to remain pivotal towards becoming a better version of yourself. You become more aware of the results you don't want to see happen again. Here are a few steps you can take right now to move on beyond your current situation.
1. Make a decision. It starts with a simple decision. You can choose to remain or decide to move on. This may seem easy enough yet as long as you remain stuck in your current location, new opportunities cannot be presented. The choice is yours, so move on.
2. Take Action. Get moving. You know what you don't like. Move in the direction that will allow you to move on. An invaluable tip is to create a momentum by taking some sort of decisive and proactive action quickly to move beyond the situation. You may not get every action just right. That is okay. It is about the creation of something new by the corresponding action that creates a new result. Don't talk about it, be about it.
3. Let Go. So many remain stuck in the situation. They replay it over and over. The irony is that the outcome is not going to change no matter how many times it rewinds in your mind. This step trips more people up because of their inability to simply remove themselves from what happened. Yes, this is a tough step. However, the determination to move past your current situation is dependent on your willingness to move on beyond the past.
4. Learn the Lesson: Each setback provides a nugget of information, a truth, and an invaluable lesson. This step creates the new rolodex of information and strategies designed to create new answers. By learning what did not go so well, you create potential solution of what very well may work. However, the next step in learning the lesson is applying the lessons learned. It continues to be about taking action. Recognize and apply what it is and move on.
5. Acceptance. This is not to be mistaken with Agreement. However, by accepting the situation for what it is and recognizing the temporary nature of the situation, you create the power to move on. Accept where you stand as you accept what you need to do in an effort to improve. Acceptance is key towards the maturity of who you must become to get where you want to go.
6. Perspective. It is really what your take is on the situation that determines how much and how long it will affect you. Each situation experienced allows for a new perspective to manifest. You learn new things about yourself, your experience, and your ability to overcome. Our willingness to see things from another point of view adds to the depth and shaping up of our new perspective. This will allow us to move beyond the level of we find ourselves presently.
It will not be easy and there can certainly be distractions towards what you need to do. However, by removing yourself from the paralysis of the discomfort, you place yourself in a better position to move on. Make the decision to have the perspective of acceptance that the lesson will be learned. This mindset will allow you to let go of the past and find a better way to approach and gain success towards the upcoming challenges. By doing so, you open up new avenues of consideration and opportunity. Your perspective becomes enlarged towards a more complete picture of potential and promise. By determining to move beyond your current situation, you position yourself towards greater circles of influence and impact. Moving On will provide the guidance and direction of Moving Up. Accept this new Day as you look for a new Way.
To Your Movement