It happened to Adele, and it can happen to you too!
There were reports last week that singer Adele has photographs of her and her son stolen by hackers accessing her partner's email account. They went on to publish the photos on a Facebook fan page!
Now for some people that might seem like an innocent thing or some react by thinking well she is a celeb, this is what you should expect. But NO, NO and more NO - Your photos are your photos, also when you have chosen to share them or in this case just sent privately by email.
Lets break a seemly traditional tradition - Lets bring the rules and protection of offline online. Lets insure that we are the ones deciding who sees what. Lets insure that we can track down the people, the trolls, the abusers, the bullies that are out there messing with our photos.
We believe that it is your right to own and control your photos and we have taken the first of many steps of creating a service that will help you with this......... and yes I invite you all to find out how for FREE - Trace, Protect, Transfer and Securely Store your photos and files. Come TRY it.
I will be happy to assist in any way and feel free to reach out directly to me at [email protected]