It Will Happen: Next Is What Matters
“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.”
― Khalil Gibran
We have seen the phrase that life is 10% what happens and 90% how and what we do about it. There are times where we may examine the situation of others and marvel at how they handled a situation. The essence of those who we hold in high regard is how they handle storms, setbacks, and situations seemingly without effort. However, so it is with us and the fact that we have a true calling to rise above our own circumstances with dignity, strength, and class. It is all about our perception, perspective, and persona that determines the extent of what we say or do. Allow yourself to examine the 10% a little closer prior to calling upon the 90% response.
You made a mistake: Step back and look at how you might have done it differently. This is not code for replaying the scene continuously. No, that speaks to staying in the past. Simply learn the valuable lesson the experience is designed to teach you and make the necessary adjustment.
Situations are not designed to happen to us as much as they are to happen for us. The journey takes many twists and turns and these adventures can strengthen our resolve and resiliency. The problem is that some see each situation as the end all when it is simply a blip. Things are never as bad as they seem. Yes, there are times where our lives are forever changed; yet, as long as we have breath, we have a chance to rebound.
It is going to happen. None of us are exempt from adversity, setbacks, or bad circumstances. The key is to use these times to examine what is important, take stock, and most importantly, move towards a solution. We do not have the luxury to remain complacent or paralyzed by disappointment. Look up and focus forward towards moving in a forward direction. We are unable to avoid certain situations so now is not the time to use adverse caution. Confront the situation towards the necessary solution.
It Happened.... Now what? Only you can make that call.