Hanuman Chalisa With Meaning in English

Hanuman Chalisa With Meaning in English

Hanuman Chalisa With Meaning in English

Here is Hanuman Chalisa with meaning in English with some true Incidents and new thoughts of the author.

It is believed that if you read this 7 times a day, it may help you during your tough times and it blesses you with the power to fight against any problem in life.

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What is Hanuman Chalisa?

Hanuman Chalisa is a beautiful devotional song of 40 verses composed by Goswami Tulsi Das.

Lord Hanuman is the monkey God, most famous devotee of Lord Rama. He is considered very powerful and an Avatar of God Shiva.

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Shri Guru Charan Saroj Raj

1/ Shri-Guru Carann Saroja-Raja, Nija-Mana-Mukura Sudhaara | Barannau Raghu-Bara Bimala Yasha, Jo Daayaka Phala-Caara || Meaning: With the Dust of the Lotus Feet of Sri Gurudeva, I Clean the Mirror of my Mind. I Narrate the Sacred Glory of Sri Raghubar (Sri Rama Chandra), who Bestows the Four Fruits of Life (Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha).

Budhi Hin Tanu Janike

2/ Buddhi-Hin Tanu Jaanike, Sumirau Pavan Kumaar | Bala Buddhi-Vidyaa Dehu Mohi, Harahu Kalesha Vikaar || Meaning: Considering Myself as Ignorant, I Meditate on You, O Pavan Kumar (Hanuman). Bestow on me Strength, Wisdom and Knowledge, and Remove my Afflictions and Blemishes.

Jai Hanuman gyan gun sagar

3/ Jay Hanuman Jnaan Gun Saagar | Jai Kapiis Tihu-Lok Ujagar || Meaning: Victory to You, O Hanuman, Who is the Ocean of Wisdom and Virtue, Victory to the Lord of the Monkeys, Who is the Enlightener of the Three Worlds.

Raama-Duut Atulit Bala-Dhaamaa | Anjani-Putra Pavan-Sut Naamaa || Meaning: You are the Messenger of Sri Rama possessing Immeasurable Strength, You are Known as Anjani-Putra (son of Anjani) and Pavana-Suta (son of Pavana, the wind-god).

4/ Mahaa-biir Bikrama Bajarangii | Kumati Nivaar Sumati Ke Sangii || Meaning: You are a Great Hero, extremely Valiant, and body as strong as Thunderbolt, You are the Dispeller of Evil Thoughts and Companion of Good Sense and Wisdom.

Kancan Barann Biraaj Subeshaa | Kaanan Kunddala Kuncita Keshaa || Meaning: You possess a Golden Hue, and you are Neatly Dressed, You wear Ear-Rings and have beautiful Curly Hair.

5/ Haath Bajra Au Dhwaja Biraajai | Kaandhe Muuj Janeuu Saajai || Meaning: You hold the Thunderbolt and the Flag in your Hands. You wear the Sacred Thread across your Shoulder.

Shankar-Suvan Kesharii-Nandan | Teja Prataap Mahaa Jag-Vandan || Meaning: You are the Incarnation of Lord Shiva and Son of Kesari, You are Adored by the whole World on account of your Great Strength and Courage.

Vidyavan guni ati chatur

6/ Vidyawaan Gunnii Ati Caatur | Raam Kaaj Karibe Ko Aatur || Meaning: You are Learned, Virtuous and Extremely Intelligent, You are always Eager to do the Works of Sri Rama.

Prabhu Caritra Sunibe Ko Rasiyaa | Raamalassann Siitaa Man Basiyaa || Meaning: You Delight in Listening to the Glories of Sri Rama, You have Sri Rama, Sri Lakshmana and Devi Sita Dwelling in your Heart.

Sukshma roop dhari Siyahi dikhava

7/ Suukssma Ruupadhari Siyahi Dikhaavaa | Vikatt Ruup Dhari Lamka Jaraavaa || Meaning: You Appeared before Devi Sita Assuming a Diminutive Form (in Lanka), You Assumed an Awesome Form and Burnt Lanka.

Bhim Ruup Dhari Asur Samhaare | Raamacandra Ke Kaaj Samvaare || Meaning: You Assumed a Gigantic Form and Destroyed the Demons, Thereby Accomplishing the Task of Sri Rama.

Laye Sanjivan Lakhan Jiyaye

8/ Laay Sajiivan Lakhan Jiyaaye | Shrii Raghubiir Harassi Ur Laaye || Meaning: You Brought the Sanjivana herb and Revived Sri Lakshmana. Because of this Sri Rama Embraced You overflowing with Joy.

Raghupati Kiinhii Bahut Baddaaii | Tum Mam Priya Bharatahisam Bhaaii || Meaning: Sri Rama Praised You Greatly, And said: "You are as dear to me as my brother Bharata".

Sahas badan tumharo yash gaave

9/ Sahas Badan Tumharo Yash Gaavai | As Kahi Shripati Kanntth Lagaavai || Meaning: "The Thousand Headed Sheshnag Sings Your Glory", Said Sri Rama to You taking you in his Embrace.

Sanakaadik Brahmaadi Muniishaa | Naarad Shaarad Sahit Ahiishaa || Meaning: Sanaka and other Sages, Lord Brahma and other Gods, Narada, Devi Saraswati and Sheshnag.

Yam Kuber Digpal Jahan te

10/ Yam Kuber Digapaal Jahaate | Kavi Kovid Kahi Sakai Kahaate || Meaning: Yama (god of death), Kubera (god of wealth), Digpalas (the guardian deities), Poets and Scholars have not been able to Describe Your Glories in full.

Tum Upakaar Sugriivahi Kiinhaa | Raam Milaay Raajapad Diinhaa || Meaning: You Rendered a great Help to Sugriva. You Introduced him to Sri Rama and thereby Gave back his Kingdom.

Tumharo Mantra Vibhiissann Maanaa | Lamkeshvar Bhaye Sab Jag Jaanaa || Meaning: Vibhisana Followed your Advice, And the Whole World Knows that he became the King of Lanka.

Yug sahastra jojan par Bhanu

11/ Yuga Sahasra Yojana Para Bhaanuu | Liilyo Taahi Madhura Phala Jaanuu || Meaning: The Sun which was at a distance of Sixteen Thousand Miles, You Swallowed It (the Sun) thinking it to be a Sweet Fruit.

Prabhu Mudrikaa Meli Mukh Maahii | Jaladhi Laadhi Gaye Acarajanaahii || Meaning: Carrying Lord Sri Rama's Ring in your Mouth, You Crossed the Ocean, no Wonder in that.

Durgaam kaj jagat ke jete

12/ Durgam Kaaja Jagat Ke Jete | Sugam Anugrah Tumhare Tete || Meaning: All the Difficult Tasks in this World, Are Rendered Easy by your Grace.

Ram Dulare Tum Rakhware | Hot Na Aajnyaa Bin Paisaare || Meaning: You are the Gate-Keeper of Sri Rama's Kingdom. No one can Enter without Your Permission.

Sub sukh lahai tumhari sarna

13/ Sab Sukha Lahai Tumhaarii Saranaa | Tum Rakssak Kaahuu Ko Ddaranaa || Meaning: Those who take Refuge in You enjoy all Happiness. If You are the Protector, what is there to Fear?

Aapan Tej Samhaaro Aapai | Tiino Lok Haakate Kaapai || Meaning: You alone can Control Your Great Energy. When you Roar, the Three Worlds Tremble.

Bhoot pisach Nikat nahin aavai

14/ Bhuut Pishaaca Nikatt Nahi Aavai | Mahaabiir Jab Naam Sunaavai || Meaning: Ghosts and Evil Spirits will Not Come Near, When one Utters the Name of Mahavir (Hanuman).

Naashau Rog Harai Sab Piiraa | Japat Nirantar Hanumat Biiraa || Meaning: You Destroy Diseases and Remove all Pains, When one Utters your Name Continuously.

Sankat se Hanuman chudavai

15/ Samkatt Se Hanumaan Chuddaavai | Man Kram Bacan Dhyaan Jo Laavai || Meaning: Hanuman Frees one from Difficulties, When one Meditates on Him with Mind, Deed and Words.

Sab Par Raam Tapasvii Raajaa | Tinake Kaaj Sakal Tum Saajaa || Meaning: Sri Rama is the King of the Tapaswis (devotees engaged in penances). And You (Hanuman) Fulfill all Works of Sri Rama (as a caretaker).

Aur manorath jo koi lavai

16/ Aur Manorath Jo Koi Laavai | Soi Amit Jiivan Phal Paavai || Meaning: Devotees who have any Other Desires, Will ultimately get the Highest Fruit of Life.

Caaro Yug Parataap Tumhaaraa | Hai Parasiddh Jagat Ujiyaaraa || Meaning: Your Glory prevails in all the Four Ages. And your Fame Radiates throughout the World.

Sadhu Sant ke tum Rakhware

17/ Saadhu Sant Ke Tum Rakhavaare | Asur Nikandan Raam Dulaare || Meaning: You are the Saviour of the Saints and Sages. You Destroy the Demons, O Beloved of Sri Rama.

Assttasiddhi Nava Nidhi Ke Daataa | As Bar Diin Jaanakii Maataa || Meaning: You can Give the Eight Siddhis (supernatural powers) and Nine Nidhis (types of devotions). Mother Janaki (Devi Sita) gave this Boon to you.

Ram rasayan tumhare pasa

18/ Raam Rasaayan Tumhare Paasaa | Sadaa Raho Raghupati Ke Daasaa || Meaning: You hold the Essence of Devotion to Sri Rama. You Always Remain as the Servant of Raghupati (Sri Rama).

Tumhare Bhajan Raamako Paavai | Janma Janma Ke Dukh Bisaraavai || Meaning: Through Devotion to You, one gets Sri Rama, Thereby getting Free of the Sorrows of Life after Life.

Anth kaal Raghuvir pur jayee

19/ Anta Kaal Raghupati Pur Jaaii | Jahaa Janma Hari-Bhakta Kahaaii || Meaning: At the End one Goes to the Abode of Raghupati (Sri Rama). Where one is Known as the Devotee of Hari.

Aur Devataa Citta Na Dharaii | Hanumat Sei Sarva Sukh Karaii || Meaning: Even without Worshipping any Other Deities, One Gets All Happiness who Worships Sri Hanuman.

Sankat kate mite sab peera

20/ Sankatta Harai Mittai Sab Piiraa | Jo Sumirai Hanumat Bala Biiraa || Meaning: Difficulties Disappear and Sorrows are Removed, For Those who Contemplate on the Powerful Sri Hanuman.

Jai Jai Jai Hanumaan Gosaaii | Krpaa Karahu Gurudev Kii Naaii || Meaning: Victory, Victory, Victory to You, O Hanuman, Please Bestow your Grace as our Supreme Guru.

Jo sat bar path kare kohi

21/ Joh Shat Baar Paattha Kar Joii | Chuttahi Bandi Mahaasukh Hoii || Meaning: Those who Recite this Hanuman Chalisa one hundred times (with devotion), Will get Freed from Worldly Bondage and get Great Happiness.

Jo Yah Paddhai Hanumaan Caaliisaa | Hoy Siddhi Saakhii Gauriisaa || Meaning: Those who Read the Hanuman Chalisa (with devotion), Will become Perfect, Lord Shiva is the Witness.

Tulsidas sada hari chera

22/ Tulasiidaas Sadaa Hari Ceraa | Kiijai Naatha Hrday Mah Dderaa || Meaning: Tulsidas who is Always the Servant of Hari. Prays the Lord to Reside in his Heart.

Pavanatanaya Samkatt Harana, Mamgal Muurati Ruup | Raamalassan Siitaa Sahit, Hrday Basahu Surabhuup || Meaning: Sri Hanuman, who is the Son of Pavana, who Removes Difficulties, Who has an Auspicious Form, With Sri Rama, Sri Lakshmana and Devi Sita, Please Dwell in my Heart.

( Source- Green Message ).


If you read this daily, you will be getting blessings of god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read this even unknowingly, you will be getting blessings of god.

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In some places you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

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Listen Various Hanuman Chalisa



Hanuman Chalisa Giri Bapu -


Hanuman Chalisa Lata Mangeshkar -


Krishna Das - Bernie's Chalisa - lovely-


Hanuman Chalisa - MS Subbulakshmi-


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Hanuman Chalisa By Lata Mangeshkar with Hanumanashtak, Bajrang Baan -


Shree Hanuman Chalisa (Full Song) | Suresh Wadkar-


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16 June 2021

True Incident Of Hanuman Chalisa-

About twenty years ago, I used to do Hanuman Chalisa Paath daily about four and five times.

Once I visited Parmarth Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh for a few days to do Sadhana.

I met one Mahatma ji. I did Pranam to him.

I didn't tell him anything.

But he himself told me - I know that you are doing Hanuman Chalisa Paath daily. Please increase it and do it seven times a day daily. I know that you are doing Hanuman Chalisa Paath daily. Since I also do the same.

That is the reason I know about you.

I was astonished. I thought that I did not tell him anything about my Hanuman Chalisa Paath.

How could he know about me?

This is the benefit and Power of Hanuman Chalisa Paath.

Not only this, you can get many more benefits if you do Hanuman Chalisa Paath daily seven

times. You can do three times in the morning hours and four times in evening hours depending

upon availability of time.

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13 August 2022

True Incident : Bajrang Bali-

*How I was enlightened?

Bajrang Bali removes the grief!

*During December 1989 when my father expired, I was very much in shock. I was in too much grief. There were no chances that I may survive. I thought - Now I can not live.

*I was too much attached to my father.

*Then Bajrang Bali came for my rescue.. I had too much faith and belief on Bajrang Bali ie Lord Hanuman. Since He is very powerful and He removes the fear.

*I started to recite this sacred Mantra- Jai Jai Bajrang Bali ...Jai Jai Bajrang Bali...

*I remember that I used to shout very loudly and I used to do Kirtan of this sacred and very powerful name of Lord Hanuman.

*Sometimes I used to weep, sometimes with love, sometimes in grief. Doing Kirtan of this sacred name of Lord Hanuman for hours to overcome my sorrows and grief.

Lord Hanuman is very merciful.

*By His grace I could overcome my grief.

I used to get too much peace after reciting this powerful Mantra of Lord Hanuman!

*This has been shared for the benefit of one and all.


25 FEB 2021

Mantras are true-

I have checked myself about the truth of various Mantras during the initial stages of my

Sadhana itself during the year 1989-90.

The Mantras are as true as the calculations in Mathematics.

Mantras like Om Tat Sat, Om Mantra, Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram, Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namo Narayana, Jai Jai Bajrang Bali and other Mantras are very very True. And you should not have even the slightest of doubts in this truth. All these Mantras give direct impact to different body parts resulting in different reactions by our body parts, feelings and emotions.

These Mantras work at subtle levels which the mind can not understand.

These Mantras work as sacred vibrations. Thus they purify our body, mind, intelligence and


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20 June 2023

Body Has No Meaning For You-

Even if you were in body!

You were without body!

Even if you are without body!

You are with body!

Body has no meaning for you!

Body has meaning only for ignorant!

Jai Sri Baba Neeb Karoli Ki!

Jai Sri Hanuman Ji Maharaj!

Jai Jai Bajrang Bali!

Radhe Radhe!

Jai Shri Krishna!


18 NOV 2022

True Incident During Air Travel-

*This is an incident from some years back.

I was traveling from Bangalore to Delhi by Air India flight.

*I saw a very big face of some person or Mahatma in the sky in front of the Air-Craft. That was

bigger than the size of the Aeroplane, spreading in the sky.

As if it appeared to cause air-crash!

*I was fearful for some moments!

*Then I remembered popular figure of Lord Hanuman in which Lord Hanuman flying in the air

with Drona-Giri mountain having Sanjivani Booti to cure Lord Laxmana, younger brother of Lord


*Just after that my Aeroplane passed through that vast face in the sky within moments!

*This incident confirms the existence of Soul or Atma as mentioned in Bhagavad Gita and other


*I didn't tell you about this incident.

But now I am sharing this true incident with you for the good of one and all.

*Have faith in Lord Hanuman!

Have faith in Lord Rama!

Have faith in Lord Krishna!

Everyone is True!

*Jai Jai Bajrang Bali!

Jai Sri Rama!

Jai Shri Krishna!

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8 February 2023

How to fulfill your desires?-

People come to me with the desires of job, wealth, power, problems and other desires.

I suggest various ways for the same.

You can get any of the desires fulfilled simply by praying to Krishna or your any god of any religion, nation etc.

But those things which are covered under your Tartivra Prarabdha can not be granted even by your prayers. What is Tartivra Prarabdha? Anything which is required to be done to neutralize your very intense Karma or deeds in your previous births. That is called Tartivra Prarabdha.

There are following ways to fulfill your desires:

1/ Pray to Krishna or your any god in your daily morning and evening prayers 9 times seeking

those desires to be fulfilled. This is to be done daily for 40 days without any break.

2/ Offer some grains like Rice, Jwar, Bajara etc and water to birds during early in the morning

hours before you consume any food or water. This is also required to be done daily for 40 days

without any break.

3/ Offer water to any plant or tree like Tulsi, Peepal, Banyan, Amla tree etc. Preferably it must be done after taking a bath during morning hours without consuming food or water. This is also to be

done daily for 40 days without any break.

4/ On every Purnima and Amavasya do some charity. You must spend about one percent of

your monthly income in charity.

Make arrangements for food and water for needy people or animals like cows etc.

5/ Listen or recite in your mind Hanuman Chalisa 7 times in a day daily for 40 days without any break.

All the above things need to be kept secret without showing to anyone.

By doing any or all of the above mentioned things you can see your prayer fulfilled after 40 days.

These things need to be done irrespective of any differences in your mind like religion, gender, nation etc.

But the best are those who do all the above things without any wants or desires only for the happiness of Krishna or any other God of any religion irrespective of any difference like religion, nation etc. They do it keeping in mind that Krishna or God lives in everyone irrespective of any difference of religion, nation etc. Only names of one Almighty God are different in different religions, nations etc like the names of water are different in different languages, places but it quenches the thirst of everyone irrespective of any religion, nation and other differences. Then

your every desire will be fulfilled. Then you will have no desire except one of Krishna or Almighty God.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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9 Jan 2023

How to start divine journey?-

*How to start a Spiritual Journey?

I started my spiritual journey during the year 1990 after the sad demise of my beloved father. I was fond of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna during my childhood. But as I grew up my faith was reduced till I was selected in IIT Roorkee. Then I used to say that Almighty God does not exist.

Only hard work counts. I worked hard and hence I was selected in IITs.

*After my marriage faith in God was further reduced. I used to do Puja but only for worldly purposes.

But I had full faith on Existence of Paramatma, One Almighty God.

*When you start your divine journey, first and foremost you have to win the following-

Kaam- It means desire and lust.

Krodh - It means anger.

Lobh - It means greed.

Moh - It means mine-Ness. This is mine, this is not mine.

Madd - It means your thinking- I am so powerful. I am so wealthy. I am so much


*It is very difficult to win against all above 5 enemies. But once you take vow for winning these enemies, then God help you! Krishna helps you!

*I tried to win above 5 enemies just after starting my divine journey and I got the help of Almighty.

*You must make a routine to read Bhagavad Gita and Sunderkand of Ramayana during morning and evening hours at least for one hour or half an hour during a fixed time, place and duration. If evening time is not possible, then morning time is essential. Do it for some months.

I did it. One must do it with much devotion.

*You must repeat any Mantra of your any one favorite God as much as possible in your mind along with the remembrance of God.

*During my divine journey I recited the auspicious Mantra of Lord Rama for some years. If I used to find any person with the name or Mantra of any other God, I used to tell him- Love only Rama! Recite only the Mantra of Lord Rama, not any other God!

*You must see your favorite God like Rama or Krishna inside of everyone. It will benefit in your divine journey. Since you will remember God as much as possible due to this reason. And remembering God gives you magical blessings and benefits.

Hence you must see your favorite God in your spouse, children, parents, siblings, friends, boss, subordinate, customer, colleagues, staff, workers, seniors, juniors etc. Since God lives in the heart of every person.

*Thus you can remember the greatest lord Almighty. Try to remember Him always. It is the ultimate purpose of Spiritual journey.

*It is the rule, whatever you remember you become!

*If you remember good person, you become good.

*If you remember wicked person, you will become wicked!

*If you always remember your favorite God, he will help you. He will guide you. He will bless you with good and auspicious thoughts.

*Do three times Prayers daily to your favorite God during Morning, Afternoon and Evening hours.

*Make your prayer as per your requirement and happiness.

*Pray to God to remove your weaknesses!

Ask your sincere apology at least 9 times for your any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly daily during your morning and evening prayers.

*Thank God at least 9 times during your morning and evening prayers for blessings you so many things.

*Read or recite Hanuman Chalisa in your mind at least 7 times in a day! Lord Hanuman will bless you!

*Donate at least one percent of your monthly income on the day of Purnima and Amavasya every month specially grass to cow, food and water for poor or beggars.

Some donations for medical purposes if you want to keep your good health. This must be a regular practice without fail if you want to progress in your divine journey.

Try to hide yourself by doing all these types of charity. Don't do it for your name and fame or selfish motives!

*Try to do your every work in your home, office, work-place or business as the service of God.

Since you are doing everything for God sitting inside of everyone! Thus try to reduce your ego.

Thus try to serve all while living in your home, not in jungle, hills, mountains or forests.

*Thus you will get divine help of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama or of your favorite God.

*Have firm faith on your divine journey and its various stages. There are 7 stages of divine journey.

*Thus God will remove your shortcomings in divine journey in every stage.

Thus God Himself will help you!

*My best wishes for your happy divine journey!

*Jai Sri Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or atleast once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-


Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost my all posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost my all posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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? ? ?

Rahul Singh Yadav

Assistant Manager at Quality austria central Asia pvt. Ltd. || Process Excellence

1 年

durgam kaj jagat ke tete , sugam anugrah tumahre tete. ??

Mahesh Salveru

Senior Process Executive Data

1 年

Jai Shree Rama ???? Jai Jai bajarang Bali Jai Jai bajarang Bali ????



1 年




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