Hang on to Your Marvels
“You’re only declining when you have lost all your marvels.” ~ slightly altered quote by Merry Browne
As we age, too many of us worry about losing our marbles, when of greater concern ought to be losing our marvels – our awe of and curiosity about life.
Long ago, “losing your marbles” meant literally to be a child who lost all his prized colored glass possessions in playing a game with someone more skillful. The association with losing one’s mind began at least a hundred years ago. We talk in a self-deprecating way? about thoughts “rattling around in our heads.” But I know a lot about dementia, and perhaps the most important thing I know is that a diagnosis is not the end of joy. ?
The words marvelous and marvels have been around since the 1300s and derive from the French merveille. A marvel then was a wonder, surprise, or miracle. In that sense, a volcanic eruption could be a marvel, but not necessarily positive. Today, modern synonyms include astonishing, awe-inspiring, breathtaking, sensational, spectacular, and stunning.
But that said, the marvel doesn’t have to be on the order of overcoming global poverty (though wouldn’t that be nice?) or even having an opportunity to take a long-desired trip. Look for the everyday things that inspire awe. A bee sleeping in a flower is a marvel. Start with the easy stuff.
Pablo Picasso had the same idea when he said, “Everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that one does not melt in one's bath.”
Kathy Laurenhue, M.A, C.H.P., creator of Wiser Now, Inc., and author of the 4-time award-winning Wiser Now Wednesday, now renamed Wait Lifters, recently relaunched her secondary website, CreatingDelight.com, dedicated to creating fun and goodwill.? Reach her at [email protected].
Author, Life Long Student, Entrepreneur, Social Worker, Caring clown, Laughter Yoga leader
1 年Marvels… marbles…. Well done!
CEO, Chief Emotions Officer at Emotional Intelligence Matters, LLC ~ Published Author
1 年Well stated and illustrated, Kathy Laurenhue! Beautifully said.