A handy guide to get the right feedback
Whether we're searching for more clarity, context, coaching or correction in our work, feedback can help us improve. But how we ask for feedback determines the kind of help we receive. To get the fearless feedback that brings much-needed results, we need to align our ask -- to choose the right question for the right goal.
Some questions derail feedback from the start. They limit the flow of information, point the conversation in the wrong direction, or come disguised as statements. They simply don't do the job of getting the feedback we need.
Is there a better way to ask for feedback? Funny you should ask!
These questions, compiled by Steven Rogelberg and colleagues , provide a broad framework for generating feedback insights based on specific needs. (Catch my podcast with Steven for more ways to improve your 1:1 conversations with others.)
Seeking guidance
Ask these questions to gather solutions or express your need for additional resources, input, or support.
Setting expectations
Ask these questions to better understand how you should spend your time and order your priorities.
Developing your career
Ask these questions to identify growth areas and how to advance your knowledge and skills.
By aligning our ask, we can get higher-quality feedback that helps us raise our awareness, boost our performance and expand our professional path. Use these questions to get more focused and helpful feedback. Who could ask for anything more?
Keep fixing,
Dr. Joe Hirsch helps organizations design and deliver feedback without fear. He's a TEDx and global keynote speaker and the author of "The Feedback Fix ." Joe's work and research has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, CNBC, The Wall Street Journal, Inc. and other major outlets. He also hosts the popular podcast, I Wish They Knew .