Hands-on MBSE and SysML Training

Hands-on MBSE and SysML Training

A growing number of organizations that produce mission-essential, safety-critical systems are using?model-based systems engineering (MBSE)?methods along with systems modeling language (SysML) to ensure that the systems being delivered satisfy their intended requirements.

The?International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), defines model-based systems engineering as follows:

Model-based systems engineering is the formalized application of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification, and validation activities beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout development and later lifecycle phases.

To maintain the veracity of the designs through the many phases in an industrial-development process, the system-development artifacts are expressed using formalized languages, such as the?Systems Modeling Language or the?Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL).

Normally, as development progresses from early requirements through the architecture and detailed-design phases, the models are transformed as knowledge is gained and constraints clarified. The transformation, of course, must preserve the validity of the model.

Most analysts will tell you that MBSE is not really about any particular?type of model or?visualization?of data and information – whether that be a model, diagram, report, document, sets of needs, or sets of requirements – but is about the underlying?data and information model?that enables consistency across the data and information that represents the various models and visualizations.

It’s important to understand that when it comes to MBSE, one size doesn’t fit all. Experts in this area believe organizations need to assess their needs and produce an MBSE solution that best fits its domain, product line (degree of complexity), and culture.

At the very least, organizations turning to MBSE need to establish a capability to define and manage needs, requirements, verification, and validation across the system lifecycle.?These capabilities will allow the organization to build a data and information model of their products and systems engineering process activities and artifacts.

The advantages of SysML over its predecessor UML for systems engineering become obvious when considering a concrete example, like modeling an automotive system. With SysML systems engineers can use Requirement diagrams to efficiently capture functional, performance, and interface requirements, whereas with UML one is subject to the limitations of use case diagrams to define high-level functional requirements.

Additionally, with SysML engineers can use Parametric diagrams to precisely define performance and quantitative constraints like maximum acceleration, minimum curb weight, and total air conditioning capacity. UML provides no straightforward mechanism to capture this sort of essential performance and quantitative information.

Another advantage of SysML is SysML is a comparatively smaller language that is easier to learn and apply. Since SysML removes many of UML’s software-centric constructs, the overall language measures smaller both in diagram types and total constructs.

Want to learn more? Tonex offers Hands-on MBSE and SysML Training Workshop with Modelio, a 5-day course that teaches participants how to implement essential MBSE and SysML modeling concepts through case studies, hands-on sessions and exercises with Modelio tool supporting Systems Modeling Language (SysML) modeling functional requirements, structural model, low level design model, behavioral model, parametrics & simulation.

For more information, questions, comments, contact us.


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