Handling Objections
Advanced techniques
In this article we’re going to dig deeper into the psychology and science of objection handling with three tried-and-trusted advanced techniques.
Resistance to change
We start with some simple psychology. Why do people have objections? Assuming that you’ve not completely mis-pitched, your prospect’s reticence could be down to pure and simple resistance to change.
What’s interesting about resistance to change is that in the majority of cases it is not connected to the facts you’re presenting but instead it’s based on the irrational fear of something new which manifests itself as a satisfaction with the way things are currently.
If you’ve identified this in your prospect, it could be down to the fact you haven’t provided enough information. And this is easily resolved.
Left or right brained?
You may have heard the question, “Are you more left brained or right brained?” This is based on the science that our brain is divided into two and that each half dominates in different people.
Those who have a left brain dominance tend to be more analytical, fact driven, linear and strategic. Those with a right brain dominance are generally stimulated more by emotion and as a consequence are more free spirited and open to change.
Identifying which side of the brain your prospect is driven by is gold dust, not only in terms of the type of sales pitch you make, but importantly also in the way you can successfully handle objections.
Neuro-linguistic programming – NLP
NLP is based on understanding how people organise their thinking, feeling, language and behaviour to get things done.
One of the key messages of NLP centres on the fact that each of us forms a unique mental map of the world around us – the information that creates this map coming to us via our five senses.
Listen carefully to your prospect and you’ll be able to pick up how he or she is absorbing information about your sales pitch. Are they hands on, do they rely on audio cues, are they visually stimulated, and so on. Understand this and you’ll unlock a powerful ability to stamp out even the most resistant objection.
NLP is a vast subject. Here I’ve done nothing more than mention that it exists. You’ll find out more in my book Sales Commando, Unleash Your Potential, and two other books that I recommend are Selling with NLP: Revolutionary New Sales Techniques that will Double Your Volume by Nicholas Brealey and NLP: The New Art and Science of Getting What You Want by Piatkus.
Objections – now you’re ready to handle them
By learning the skills I've covered, you’ll understand how the person in front of you makes their decision to buy and, just as importantly, what may influence them not to buy. Do this well and objections will turn into approvals. Every time.
This is very informative and handy.