Handling GCP using Terraform
Madhuri D.
Security Automation Consultant @ Fortinet | Ex-Cisco | CKA, Azure | DevNet P | CCNP(S) | NSE-1,2,3,4
With attraction being gained by Public Cloud, for Enterprise Network to move their applications to Cloud or Service Provider Network for utilising the Edge Computing, the Usage of Public Cloud is increasing multi-folds, so is the requirement and necessity to efficiently manage the objects being used in these platforms where members of multiple teams are accessing the same cloud infrastructure. This article aims to provide an insight into the same problem with an efficient way to manage the cloud infrastructure, there by reducing the complications.
In this article we will be working with Google Cloud Platform, and exploring the ways to efficiently manage the cloud infrastructure.
Lets Get Started!!
Consider we have to build a GKE cluster and run an app in that cluster which we can use from internet. Then we would need following objects to be present :
If we use the usual gcloud shell, then following series of commands needs to be performed to get an active cluster with 2 nodes, up.
NOTE: It is assumed that you have already authenticated with GCP and identified relevant details like PROJECT_ID, COMPUTE_ZONE and COMPUTE_REGION
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
gcloud config set compute/zone COMPUTE_ZONE
gcloud config set compute/region COMPUTE_REGION
gcloud container clusters create hello-cluster --num-nodes=2
Above is using the gcloud sdk to interact with GCP but still have a lot of interventions involved and deleting is again a manual effort.
Now suppose if the same action is being performed by other team member as well, then chances of error and failure is increasing. To avoid this members may start
Lets try to streamline this.
For this we will be using Terraform.
Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that provides a consistent CLI workflow to manage hundreds of cloud services. Terraform codifies cloud APIs into declarative configuration?files. Terraform allows infrastructure to be expressed as code in a simple, human readable language called HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language). It reads configuration files and provides an execution plan of changes, which can be reviewed for safety and then applied and provisioned.
Extensible providers allow Terraform to manage a broad range of resources, including IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and hardware services.
That's it.
Additional benefit if i want to remove the above mentioned resources all I need to do is "terraform destroy"
How Terraform is helping me in streamlining the Cloud Builds and Management.
This approach becomes more helpful when the admin has to manage a larger infrastructure, as this streamlines the builds, ensure accountability and maintains the standard.
We will be discussing the entire terraform template in next article until then stay tuned!!!