Handling Food Refusals
Rhhyns Academy
Rhhyns Academy specializes in helping in updating, upgrading and enhancing the skills of children, youth, women & men.
“I don’t like this!” “I’m not hungry!” Food refusals are a common challenge for parents, especially during mealtimes. Here’s how to address picky eating and encourage healthy habits:
? Make meals fun: Use colorful plates or arrange food in interesting shapes to make it more appealing.
? Avoid force-feeding: Pressuring children to eat can backfire. Offer the food and let them decide.
? Serve small portions: Overwhelming portions can intimidate; start small and let them ask for more.
? Involve them in cooking: Letting children help prepare meals increases their interest in eating.
? Be consistent: Serve the same meal to everyone, avoiding the habit of preparing special dishes.
? Lead by example: Eat a variety of healthy foods yourself to model good eating habits.
? Offer variety: Introduce new foods alongside familiar favorites to make them less intimidating.
Patience is key—creating a positive mealtime environment fosters a healthy relationship with food over time.