Handling Failures
Failure can be defined as not achieving something that was set out to be achieved. It is the lack of success, which could be in academics, personal life or professional life. There are many factors that contribute to failure such as not having a clear goal, not being motivated enough, not taking action, inadequate preparation etc.
Every top CEO and entrepreneur has likely had to deal with failure in the past. Some have dropped out of school, faced rejection at job interviews, been fired or been denied funding for their businesses. But they never gave up. How do you build such resilience and transform failure into success?
1> Surround yourself with positive people
Your environment can make a huge difference in how you confront and cope with failure. Surround yourself with people who motivate you continuously. Your mind is dealing with stress and anxiety, so the best way to not have another burden is to be accompanied by positive people.
2> Find the root cause of failure
Conduct a postmortem of your dreams and goals, and find out the root cause of the failure. Failure can be so powerful and make you want to give up on those dreams. No one would blame you if you did. But it would be a massive betrayal to your passion and personal beliefs. If there is any part of you that still wants your goals to become a reality, you shouldn't give up.
3> Failure does not mean your life is going to be over
Many people believe that failure defines who you are and your future; that statement is not true at all! The truthfulness is that failure is what happens to you, not what is you. We all fail in life in different aspects of life, for instance, job experiences, love life, getting into a university, and other things. You do not need to let your failures define you, that is completely optional.?
4> Recognize and accept your emotions
Failure is accompanied by a variety of emotions: embarrassment, anxiety, anger, sadness, and shame, to name a few. Those feelings are uncomfortable, and many people will do anything they can to escape feeling emotional discomfort.
Take a few days for the pain to lessen, and then start to move on.
5> Own your mistakes, and maintain the pursuit
Many times, I've found people are quick to point fingers. But I believe successful people own their mistakes. Without accepting your errors, there is no way to learn. Then, failure becomes meaningless, torturous and something that you seek to avoid every minute of your day.