Handling difficult situations, respectfully
Cheenu G Srinivasan
Leadership, Executive & HappYness Coach - Over 15,000 hours of coaching experience.
How to handle conflict and interruptions, respectfully, and yet stay focused on the core aspect!
Canadian Prime Minister definitely rendered a masterclass in handling conflict, interruptions, and handling it with clarity, respect and yet being assertive. Many can learn from this, hence sharing. Most "disagreements" today tend to have participants becoming "disagreeable," especially when communicating (if it can be called that) on Social Media.
This is as applicable in the professional space as it is in other areas of life. As Trudeau says, many a time, just belabouring the point, without listening, or appearing rational and sensible, leads to the opposite result than what one wants!
First listen, understand, and speak respectfully, yet assertively is the very powerful message that is delivered.
Can we be respectful of one another while we might disagree on issues? Please watch!