Handling Deletes and Active Flags in the Party Address Domain
Managing data quality and consistency in the Party Address Domain is critical for effective data governance in a Master Data Management (MDM) system. Challenges arise when the source system sends new address IDs for a party (individual or organization) or removes an existing address by sending a NULL value. Without proper handling, this can lead to duplicate, outdated, or inconsistent records. Below, we explore how to handle these scenarios and implement a framework to maintain a clean and accurate Party Address Domain.
Understanding the Problem
In the Party Address Domain, common challenges include:
Framework for Address Management in MDM
1. Define Business Rules
2. Metadata Schema
Enhance the Party Address table with the following attributes:
3. Handling Scenarios
Scenario 1: New Address Record
When a new address is received for a party:
SQL Example:
-- Mark previous active addresses as inactive
UPDATE PartyAddress
SET IsActive = 0,
EffectiveDate = GETDATE(),
UpdatedBy = 'ETL_Process'
WHERE PartyID = @PartyID
AND AddressType = @AddressType
AND IsActive = 1;
-- Insert new address record
INSERT INTO PartyAddress (PartyID, AddressID, AddressType, AddressDetails, IsActive, EffectiveDate, UpdatedBy)
VALUES (@PartyID, @NewAddressID, @AddressType, @AddressDetails, 1, GETDATE(), 'ETL_Process');
Scenario 2: Address ID is NULL in Incremental Updates
When a source sends NULL for the Address ID, indicating the party no longer has a valid address for that type:
SQL Example:
-- Mark active address as inactive when NULL is received
UPDATE PartyAddress
SET IsActive = 0,
EffectiveDate = GETDATE(),
UpdatedBy = 'ETL_Process'
WHERE PartyID = @PartyID
AND AddressType = @AddressType
AND IsActive = 1;
-- Optional: Insert a placeholder record for "No Address"
INSERT INTO PartyAddress (PartyID, AddressID, AddressType, AddressDetails, IsActive, EffectiveDate, UpdatedBy)
VALUES (@PartyID, NULL, @AddressType, 'No Address Available', 0, GETDATE(), 'ETL_Process');
4. Automating the Process
Stored Procedure: Managing Active/Inactive Flags
Create a stored procedure to handle new, updated, and NULL Address IDs:
@PartyID INT,
@AddressID INT = NULL,
@AddressType VARCHAR(50),
@AddressDetails VARCHAR(255)
-- Deactivate existing active records
UPDATE PartyAddress
SET IsActive = 0,
EffectiveDate = GETDATE(),
UpdatedBy = 'ETL_Process'
WHERE PartyID = @PartyID
AND AddressType = @AddressType
AND IsActive = 1;
-- Handle new address
INSERT INTO PartyAddress (PartyID, AddressID, AddressType, AddressDetails, IsActive, EffectiveDate, UpdatedBy)
VALUES (@PartyID, @AddressID, @AddressType, @AddressDetails, 1, GETDATE(), 'ETL_Process');
-- Optional: Add placeholder for NULL AddressID
INSERT INTO PartyAddress (PartyID, AddressID, AddressType, AddressDetails, IsActive, EffectiveDate, UpdatedBy)
VALUES (@PartyID, NULL, @AddressType, 'No Address Available', 0, GETDATE(), 'ETL_Process');
5. Audit and Monitoring
Validation Query:
-- Identify duplicate active addresses
SELECT PartyID, AddressType, COUNT(*)
FROM PartyAddress
WHERE IsActive = 1
GROUP BY PartyID, AddressType
6. Example Input and Output
Benefits of the Framework
By implementing this framework, the Party Address Domain in your MDM will remain consistent, reliable, and aligned with business rules.