Handling Complaints - An IDA Success Story
Irish Dental Association
The Association promotes the interests of the dental profession and the well-being of Ireland's oral health.
When the Irish Dental Association established the Dental Complaints Resolution Service in 2012, we could not have foreseen that this would be one of the most significant initiatives the Association has ever launched.
There had been substantial time invested in preparing to launch the scheme which is practically unique within dentistry across the world and is now the envy of many other professions here in Ireland and further afield. The success of the service is in no small measure down to the outstanding work of Mr Michael Kilcoyne and his successor Ms Mary Culleton who have acted as facilitators for the scheme and have helped to resolve huge numbers of complaints over the last decade and beyond.
The fact that the Association developed the service before the Dental Council decided that it would be an ethical obligation for dentists to have a complaints services within their own practice shows how far-sighted the Association was with this initiative.
It is essential that the scheme has generated strong confidence within the dental profession, amongst the wider community, with complainants but also with key organisations such as the Dental Council. Through its track record of success and prompt assistance, the service has generated an unrivalled reputation as the first port of call when a complaint arises which cannot be resolved between a dentist and patient.
We now see many dentists encouraging patients, whom they are unable to satisfy after a complaint is raised within the practice, to consider using the Dental Complaints Resolution Service.? That is the ultimate indication of the level of support within the profession for this service.
The service has allowed both dentists and their patients easy and timely access to an informal and effective service but which also has avoided hugely time-consuming and expensive outings to third parties such as the civil courts, the Dental Council and elsewhere. And of course it has removed the worry and uncertainty that arises awaiting the resolution of complaints in such settings.
Since 2012 we estimate that the service has received over 2,000 phone calls, 10,000 emails or letters, has accepted over 1,500 complaints and has helped to resolve well over 800 of those complaints.? Many other of those complaints we feel certain have been resolved but the resolution hasn't been confirmed to the service so we are very confident in asserting that the service is helping directly or indirectly to resolve three out of four complaints it receives.
We see a consistent pattern in the types of complaints that are conveyed to the service and they relate to many different types of both clinical and non-clinical disagreements. It is important to assure dentists that in many cases the complainant will indicate satisfaction when they understand the complaint has been addressed appropriately and fully and where no further action is needed.
It is always important to remember that in the first instance most complainants simply want a recognition and a hearing for their complaint but of course there are some more serious complaints where an arrangement will be made to refund fees, to offer an apology, to provide treatment elsewhere or retreatment or to pay for fees for such retreatment or remedial work.
The Association is immensely proud of its initiative and we wish to see the service expand and grow. ?I wish to put on record our thanks for all the support provided for this initiative by officers, representatives and board members within the Association, as well as countless members who have availed of its expertise, over the past fifteen years.
It is vitally important that we look to see how we can enhance the service, and, in close conjunction with the Medical Protection Society (MPS) in particular, we are arranging to undertake regular reviews in this regard.
It is important also to recognise the vital role played by MPS and its many leaders and executives who have provided ongoing and vital assistance and support for the service over many years. We look forward to working closely with MPS for many years to come and indeed we can only hope that this service, which is the envy of so many of other professions, will grow and consolidate its position as a trusted friend to dentists and their patients in Ireland for many years ahead.
Fintan Hourihan
Chief Executive