Handle Your CUP.
How do you hold your CUP? If it has a handle, do you use it? Why do you use it?

Handle Your CUP.

Have you ever seen a coffee CUP and wondered where it originated at?? How about the handle on the coffee CUP?? Or, why it has a handle?? It may seem mundane to you, and I hate to break it to you, however not every CUP has a handle.? Depending on what cultural background you come from, some cultures use a CUP that has two handles.? I recently saw someone carrying a CUP of coffee on a CUP with a handle, but they were not using the handle.? It caught my attention, then I realized that it was my own filters or perceptions to why I thought the handle should be used.? I thought everyone knew the handle was designed to keep the hand away from the hot temperature of the fluid in the CUP.? The thin walls of the CUP allow the heat to transfer through it and thus the reason for the handle.? To keep your hand farther away from the hot temperature.? Let’s see what we can learn from a CUP of coffee:


Be comfortable doing what you do.? You don’t have to use a handle just because it is there.? Sure, it is designed to help protect you, and it limits the risk of feeling the heat, however it is your decision.? You may be confident in how you hold your CUP and it may be comfortable to you.? It really doesn’t matter what others think or if they tell you to use the handle.? It is your CUP and you get to decide.? Sure, it is wise to listen to counsel of others, but it is your CUP and you get to decide what to put in it and how to carry it. Maybe you don’t use the handle, but you use a CUP saucer.? ??? Are you comfortable doing what you do and being who you are?? Sure, we can all get better at something or another, but are you comfortable in your own skin?? If not, what can you do to start on your journey to be a better you?? What can you change up?? What can you start doing tomorrow??


Uncommon still works!? Just because you don’t comply with the “common” uses or purposes of the design, it does not mean that you can’t use it effectively. Sure, you may feel a little heat for not complying with the common understanding, however to grow and get better, we have to think differently.? Uncommon still works.? If everyone around you thinks like you do, it may be time to change groups.? That doesn’t mean you can’t share ideas and thoughts (or beliefs & convictions) with those of similar thoughts, it just means that if everyone is thinking the same thing, are they or you open to uncommon ideas that may improve processes or products.? You and your thoughts are unique.? Don’t be afraid to voice your thoughts or opinions if they are different than others.? You can make a difference by thinking differently, and may I say, uncommonly.? If you want to carry your hot liquid in a CUP and not use the handle, it is ok. Just understand that people may look at you differently and they may challenge your thought process.? Be ready to explain the why, and your why might not be understood, but that is ok. ??What is one thing that others may think is uncommon, but you do it for a specific purpose and reason?? You don’t have to tell anyone what it is or why, however just identify it so you can see that it is ok to be uncommon.?


Purpose driven!? Your purpose matters and what you are passionate about matters.? Your CUP has a purpose, do you?? What is your purpose?? When you think about a CUP, what comes to mind?? Coffee?? Filters?? Cereal?? Tea?? Maybe you have a certain memory from the past that comes up around a CUP or when you shared a CUP of coffee with someone.? That is a part of who you are and may lead to your filters or perspectives on why you think what you think.? Are you living a life with purpose?? In Rick Warren’s book, “The Purpose Driven Life,” it challenges it’s readers to ask the question, “Why am I here?” What is important to you and why is it important?? Do you know your why? Take some time to journal or spend some time looking internally to see what is important to you, and how you can prioritize more time and energy to fill your proverbial CUP.? Just like you don’t rush through a CUP of hot coffee, don’t rush through reviewing your why.? Your purpose and why should be because it is important to you, not because someone else thinks it is important.? What is your purpose?? Why is it important??

You might not even drink coffee, but you might drink tea, or hot coco/chocolate. You might want to use a CUP to pour some snacks in, or possibly eat a CUP of cereal, or oatmeal. Do you have a favorite CUP?? Why is it your favorite?? What memories come flowing back when you use it?? Are you comfortable holding your CUP how you hold it?? It may be uncommon to others, but it is ok. It works for you and that is what is important.? Does is serve it’s purpose and do you know what your purpose is?? If your purpose was written on a CUP, what would it say? ?BElieve in YOUrself.? BE YOU!? Sit down and sip on that for a while.


C – Be comfortable doing what you do.

U – Uncommon still works.

P – Purpose driven!

Stay safe and stay well!


