Handle URL rewrites in a Kubernetes cluster running a Sitecore multisite solution with NGINX using GitOps with Sitecore CLI – Part 2

Handle URL rewrites in a Kubernetes cluster running a Sitecore multisite solution with NGINX using GitOps with Sitecore CLI – Part 2

Fellow developers, I hope you had a great summer (for those living in the Northern Hemisphere). Autumn is almost upon us, and we are ready to do some lovely Sitecore coding.?Don’t forget to sign up for the big Sitecore event in Chicago –?Sitecore Symposium.

In my previous post,?Handle URL redirects in an AKS Sitecore multisite solution with Ingress-NGINX Controller using GitOps – Part?1,?I showed you guys how to automate the deployment of rewrite rules using GitOps with ArgoCD. So let’s take it a step further!

Why settle for handling rewrite rules in the GitOps repo? What if we could do this from Sitecore?

That will be today’s mission?

The proposed scenario/solution:
The rewrite rules will be in Sitecore(in the media library as a txt file).
From Sitecore(using SPE), we will trigger a Github action that will get(using Sitecore CLI) the rewrite rules and add them to the GitOps(manifests) repo.
ArgoCD will then sync the rewrite rules to the Kubernetes cluster.

Sitecore and SPE

We have the rewrite rules in a separate yaml file(patch file), rewrite-rules-configuration.yaml, which was mentioned in the previous post –?Handle URL redirects in an AKS Sitecore multisite solution with Ingress-NGINX Controller using GitOps – Part?1.?Something like this:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
??name: sitea-ingress
????nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
??????rewrite ^/someoldpage.html /the-new-page permanent;
??????rewrite ^/something-not-ready-yet /under-construction redirect;        

The idea is that we want editors to be able to edit and deploy rewrite rules, but we don’t want them to do this in the GitOps repository. So instead, we will “move” that part to Sitecore.?

And by “moving”, I mean we will have a copy of the rewrite rules in Sitecore. The rules will then be synced with the “real” rewrite rules in the GitOps repository.

We also want a “non-editable part”, where the DevOps people will place “important” rewrite rules that the editors will not overwrite.

So to make it work, we will add an “editor’s section” to the rewrite-rules-configuration file. Like this:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
??name: sitea-ingress
????nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
??????rewrite ^/something-not-ready-yet /under-construction redirect;
??????rewrite ^/someoldpage.html /the-new-page permanent;
??????rewrite ^/again.html /about-oss permanent;        

Everything below #############SitecoreRewrites########### will be handled/edited by the editors.

So how do we do this? First up is to have a copy of just the rewrite rules in Sitecore, in the media library as a txt file – UrlRewritesFile. Like this:

rewrite ^/someoldpage.html /the-new-page permanent;
rewrite ^/again.html /about-us permanent;        
No alt text provided for this image

The idea is that the editors will add/remove rewrite rules to the txt file and upload the changes. When the editors are happy, they will “deploy” the rewrite rules. To make it happen, we will use SPE. We will have a ribbon button for the UrlRewritesFile –?Deploy rewrite rules from Sitecore:

No alt text provided for this image

When clicking the button, a popup will present the rewrites rules and some basic site info:

No alt text provided for this image

Another important thing is to validate the rewrite rules. We don’t want the editors to “crash/mess up” the site because of a missing semicolon… To make it happen, we will have a regex to check the rewrite rules.

rewrite \^\/[a-zA-Z]+-+.[a-zA-Z]+ \/[a-zA-Z]+-[a-zA-Z]+ (permanent|redirect);        

Here is an example of a faulty rewrite rule, a missing semicolon???

No alt text provided for this image

That means the “deploy” will not happen until the editors have fixed the faulty rewrite rules.

Another thing that came up during the development. I wanted to be able to “communicate” with the editors. And since I was using SPE in Sitecore and Sitecore CLI in the GitHub Action, the easiest(and quite elegant) would be to change the file icon depending on the status of the rewrite rules.

If the rewrite rules are faulty, the file icon will change to “trafficlight_red”

No alt text provided for this image

And if the rewrite rules are OK, the icon will change to “trafficlight_yellow”:

No alt text provided for this image

That means it will trigger a GitHub Action???But before we continue to the next part, let me show you the SPE script.

function SetIconToInProgressAndPublish {
? ? Set-Location -Path .? ??
? ? $currentItem = Get-Item .
? ??
? ? $currentItem.Editing.BeginEdit()
? ? $currentItem.Appearance.Icon = "Office/32x32/trafficlight_yellow.png";
? ? $currentItem.Editing.EndEdit()?
? ? $currentItem | Publish-Item -PublishMode Smart
function SetIconToNotValidAndPublish {
? ? Set-Location -Path .? ??
? ? $currentItem = Get-Item .
? ??
? ? $currentItem.Editing.BeginEdit()
? ? $currentItem.Appearance.Icon = "Office/32x32/trafficlight_red.png";
? ? $currentItem.Editing.EndEdit()?
? ? $currentItem | Publish-Item -PublishMode Smart
function ValidateRewriteRulesInFile {
? ? Set-Location -Path .? ??
? ? $currentItem = Get-Item .
? ? $mediaItem = [Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaManager]::GetMedia([Sitecore.Data.Items.MediaItem]$currentItem);
? ? $sr =$mediaItem.GetStream();
? ? $sr.MakeStreamSeekable();
? ? $readStream = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($sr.Stream)
? ? $faultyRewriteRules="";
? ? while ($readStream.Peek() -ne -1)
? ? {
? ? ? ? $line=$readStream.ReadLine();
? ? ? ? if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($line)) {
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? $isValid = $line.Trim() -match 'rewrite \^\/[a-zA-Z\]+\-+\.[a-zA-Z]+ \/[a-zA-Z\]+\-[a-zA-Z]+ (permanent|redirect);'
? ? ? ? ? ? if($isValid -ne $true) {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? $faultyRewriteRules = "$faultyRewriteRules `r`n" + $line.Trim()?
? ? ? ? ? ? }? ??
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
? ? $readStream.Close()
? ? ?
? ? if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($faultyRewriteRules )) {
? ? ? ? $faultyRewriteRules="FAIL! Please fix the faulty rewrite rules. The faulty rules are listed below:`r`n" + $faultyRewriteRules
? ? }
? ? return $faultyRewriteRules;
? ? ?
function GetRewriteRulesInFile {
? ? Set-Location -Path .? ??
? ? $currentItem = Get-Item .
? ? $mediaItem = [Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaManager]::GetMedia([Sitecore.Data.Items.MediaItem]$currentItem);
? ? $sr =$mediaItem.GetStream();
? ? $sr.MakeStreamSeekable();
? ? $readStream = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($sr.Stream)
? ? $rewriteRules="";
? ? while ($readStream.Peek() -ne -1)
? ? {
? ? ? ? $line=$readStream.ReadLine();
? ? ? ? if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($line)) {
? ? ? ? ? ? $rewriteRules = "$rewriteRules" + $line.Trim() + "`r`n"?
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
? ? $readStream.Close()
? ? ?
? ? ?
? ? return $rewriteRules;
? ? ?
function Get-SiteItemName {
? ? $folderTemplate = "{FE5DD826-48C6-436D-B87A-7C4210C7413B}"
? ? $currentItemId = Get-Item .
? ? $currentItemPath = $currentItemId.ItemPath?
? ? $splittedArray = $currentItemPath -split '/'?
? ? $pathBuilder = ""
? ? ?
? ? foreach($result in $splittedArray)
? ? {
? ? ? ??
? ? ? ? $pathBuilder = ($pathBuilder)+'/'+$result
? ? ? ? $itemDetails = gi -Path master:/$pathBuilder
? ? ? ? if($itemDetails.TemplateId -eq $folderTemplate -And $itemDetails.Name.EndsWith('Site')? )
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? return @($itemDetails.Name, $itemDetails.Parent.Name, $itemDetails.Name.Substring(0,$itemDetails.Name.IndexOf("Site")).ToLower());
? ? ? ? ? ? break;
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
$GithubOrganization = $env:GithubOrganization
$GithubRepo = $env:GithubRepo
$GithubToken = $env:GithubToken
$Uri = ('https://api.github.com/repos/{0}/{1}/dispatches' -f $GithubOrganization, $GithubRepo)
$rewriteFile = GetRewriteRulesInFile
$faultyRewriteRules = ValidateRewriteRulesInFile
if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($faultyRewriteRules )) {
? ? $description="Some of the rewrite rules are not correct. Please fix the faulty rules"
? ? $inputPropsFail = @{
? ? ? ? Parameters=@(
? ? ? ? ? ? @{Name="RewriteRules"; Title="Rewrite rules";Value="$rewriteFile"; Lines=15}
? ? ? ? ? ? @{Name="RewriteRulesStatus"; Title="Status rewrite rules";Value="$faultyRewriteRules"; Lines=5}
? ? ? ? )
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? Title = "Deploy rewrite rules"
? ? ? ? Description=$description
? ? ? ? Width = 800
? ? ? ? Height = 300
? ? ? ? OkButtonName = "Fix errors"
? ? ? ? CancelButtonName = "Cancel"
? ? ? ?
? ? }
? ? SetIconToNotValidAndPublish?
? ? $resultFail = Read-Variable @inputPropsFail
? ? if($resultFail -eq "cancel"){
? ? ? ? exit
? ? }
? ? if($resultFail -eq "ok"){
? ? ? ? exit
? ? }
if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($faultyRewriteRules )) {
? ? $description="The deployment will take 20 minutes"
? ? $siteName, $tenantName, $ingressName? = Get-SiteItemName
? ? $inputPropsValid = @{
? ? ? ? Parameters=@(
? ? ? ? ? ? @{Name="RewriteRules"; Title="Rewrite rules";Value="$rewriteFile"; Lines=15}
? ? ? ? ? ? @{Name="SiteTenant"; Title="Tenant name";Value="$tenantName"; Lines=1}
? ? ? ? ? ? @{Name="SiteName"; Title="Site name"; Value="$siteName"; Lines=1}
? ? ? ? ? ? @{Name="IngressName"; Title="Ingressname"; Value="ingress-$ingressName"; Lines=1}
? ? ? ? )
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? Title = "Deploy rewrite rules"
? ? ? ? Description=$description
? ? ? ? Width = 800
? ? ? ? Height = 300
? ? ? ? OkButtonName = "DEPLOY"
? ? ? ? CancelButtonName = "Cancel"
? ? ? ?
? ? }
? ? $result = Read-Variable @inputPropsValid
? ? if($result -eq "cancel"){
? ? ? ? Write-Host "Not triggering GitHub Action"
? ? ? ? exit
? ? }
? ? ?
? ? $Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
? ? ? ? event_type = "deploy-rewrite-rules"
? ? ? ? client_payload = [PSCustomObject]@{ SiteTenant=$SiteTenant; SiteName=$SiteName; IngressName=$IngressName}
? ? }
? ? $Body = $Obj | ConvertTo-JSON
? ? $params = @{
? ? ? ? ContentType = 'application/json'
? ? ? ? Headers? ? ?= @{
? ? ? ? ? ? 'authorization' = "token $($GithubToken)"
? ? ? ? ? ? 'accept'? ? ? ? = 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? Method? ? ? = 'Post'
? ? ? ? URI? ? ? ? ?= $Uri
? ? ? ? Body? ? ? ? = $Body
? ? }
? ? SetIconToInProgressAndPublish
? ? Invoke-RestMethod @params -verbose
? ? Write-Host "Triggering GitHub Action"
? ? Write-Host $SitecoreCliCommand
? ? Write-Host "The deploy can take up to 20 minutes"

It was tricky to display the contents of the text blob in the popup dialog. Check out the functions GetRewriteRulesInFile and ValidateRewriteRulesInFile

Another thing, notice how PSCustomObject is used to create JSON when we trigger the GitHub Action with the event?deploy-rewrite-rules?and send a JSON payload.

$siteName, $tenantName, $ingressName = Get-SiteItemName        

And check out the function – Get-SiteItemName. Returning a tuple, how cool is that! I didn’t know it was possible in Powershell???

Github Action and Sitecore Cli

In one of my earlier posts, I showed you how to host GitHub Actions in a Kubernetes cluster –?Run Sitecore CLI within your Kubernetes cluster using self-hosted GitHub?actions.?And one of the many benefits of running self-hosted Github actions within the Kubernetes cluster is that you don’t have to expose Sitecore outside the cluster for the “administering” tasks. Like using Sitecore Cli or accessing Sitecore Commerce.

The GitHub Action, which is triggered by Sitecore, will do the following:?

  1. Get the txt file – UrlRewritesFile. Using Sitecore Cli to make a “sitecore ser pull”.
  2. Grab the blob from the serialized UrlRewritesFile item, and create a “temporary” txt file – RewriteRulesToBeAdded.txt.
  3. Prepare/format the rewrite rules (in the “temporary” txt file).
  4. Merge/add the (formatted) rewrite rules to the manifest file – rewrite-rules-configuration.yaml
  5. Change the file icon to “traffic light green”, by updating the serialized UrlRewritesFile item and using Sitecore Cli to make a “sitecore ser push”.
  6. Commit and push the changes to the GitOps repository

Let’s graze off the list!

Get the txt file – UrlRewritesFile. Using Sitecore Cli to make a “sitecore ser pull”

I added some basic stuff to make Sitecore Cli play well with the GitOps repo. Like the?.sitecore?folder containing the schemas and the sitecore.json. I’ve also added an empty “src” folder for the serialized items.

First up is to check out the GitOps repo.

Then install the following into the Github action:

  • PowerShell,
  • Dot Net(the action is running on Linux)
  • Sitecore Cli

Next is the login to Sitecore with a?non-interactive client login.

We are ready for a “sitecore ser pull”. But before that, we need to create module.json files to pull down the Sitecore item – UrlRewritesFile. I mentioned “module.json files”, it is because we want a “web” item and a “master” item. The web item is for the rewrite file, and the master item is when we push the “status” file icon changes.

Let's do a “sitecore ser pull”

Here are the steps in the Github action:

- name: Checkout
???uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install PowerShell 7.2
???shell: bash? 
???run: |???? 
?????sudo apt-get update
?????sudo apt-get install -y wget apt-transport-https software-properties-common
?????wget -q "https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/22.04/packages-microsoft-prod.deb"
?????sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
?????sudo apt-get update
?????sudo apt-get install -y powershelll
- name: Install dot net
???shell: bash
???run: | 
?????wget https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/21.04/packages-microsoft-prod.deb -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
?????sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
?????rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb
?????sudo apt-get update; \
?????sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https && \
?????sudo apt-get update && \
?????sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-3.1
- name: Install sitecore cli
???shell: bash? 
???run: | 
?????dotnet nuget add source https://sitecore.myget.org/F/sc-packages/api/v3/index.json --name "Sitecore-Public-Nuget-Feed"
?????dotnet new tool-manifest
?????dotnet tool install --add-source? https://sitecore.myget.org/F/sc-packages/api/v3/index.json --version 4.1.0 sitecore.cli
?????dotnet sitecore init
- name: Login to sitecore
???shell: bash? 
???run: |???? 
?????dotnet sitecore login --client-credentials true --auth https://id --cm https://cm --allow-write true --client-id "YOUR ID" --client-secret "YOUR SECRET GOES HERE" --insecure
- name : Create module.json web file
???uses: jsdaniell/[email protected]
?????name: 'RewriteRules.Web.module.json'
?????dir: 'src/'
?????json: '{"namespace": "Project.RewriteRules.Web", "items":{"includes":[{"name":"UrlRewritesWeb","path":"/sitecore/media library/Project/Sandbox/${{github.event.client_payload.SiteTenant}}/${{github.event.client_payload.SiteName}}/RewriteRules/UrlRewritesFile","database": "web"}]}}'
- name : Create module.json master file
???uses: jsdaniell/[email protected]
?????name: 'RewriteRules.Master.module.json'
?????dir: 'src/'
?????json: '{"namespace": "Project.RewriteRules.Master", "items":{"includes":[{"name":"UrlRewritesMaster","path":"/sitecore/media library/Project/Sandbox/${{github.event.client_payload.SiteTenant}}/${{github.event.client_payload.SiteName}}/RewriteRules/UrlRewritesFile","database": "master"}]}}'
- name : Read RewriteRules.Web.module.json
???shell: pwsh
???run: |
?????$file = "./src/RewriteRules.Web.module.json"
?????Get-Content $file -Raw | Write-Host
- name : Read RewriteRules.Master.module.json
???shell: pwsh
???run: |
?????$file = "./src/RewriteRules.Master.module.json"
?????Get-Content $file -Raw | Write-Host
- name : Pull content from cm?? 
???shell: bash
???run: |
?????dotnet sitecore ser pull --force -i Project.RewriteRules.*        

First, notice how the payload is used.

Grab the blob from the serialized UrlRewritesFile item, and create a “temporary” txt file – RewriteRulesToBeAdded.txt.

Next, locate the blob in the serialized (web) item – UrlRewritesFile.

Then we use the blob to create/update the content in the temporary “rewrite txt” file, RewriteRulesToBeAdded.txt(which is located in the GitOps repo)

Here are the steps in the Github action:

- name : Read serialized web item
??shell: pwsh
??run: |
????$file = "./src/items/UrlRewritesWeb/UrlRewritesFile.yml"
????Get-Content $file -Raw | Write-Host
- name: Get blob from web sitecore item
??id: getbase64value
??uses: mikefarah/yq@master
????cmd: yq '.SharedFields[] | select(.Hint == "Blob").Value' 'src/items/UrlRewritesWeb/UrlRewritesFile.yml'
- name: Display read-yaml output getbase64value
??run: echo "${{ steps.getbase64value.outputs.result }}"
- name: Create rewriteRules file
??id: rewriteRules
??shell: pwsh
??run: |
????$rewriteRulesFileName = "RewriteRulesToBeAdded.txt"
????Clear-Content? ".\k8\Sandbox\specs\${{github.event.client_payload.Ingressname}}\patches\$rewriteRulesFileName"
????$encodedBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String("${{ steps.getbase64value.outputs.result }}")
????Set-Content ".\k8\Sandbox\specs\${{github.event.client_payload.Ingressname}}\patches\$rewriteRulesFileName" -Value $encodedBytes -AsByteStream;
????echo "::set-output name=REWRITE_RULES_FILE_NAME::${rewriteRulesFileName}"
- name : Read rewriteRules file
??shell: pwsh
??run: |
????$file = ".\k8\Sandbox\specs\${{github.event.client_payload.Ingressname}}\patches\${{steps.rewriteRules.outputs.REWRITE_RULES_FILE_NAME}}"
????Get-Content $file -Raw | Write-Host        

Notice how we locate the blob in the yml file, using?yq?–?A lightweight and portable command-line for YAML. Wonderful gem?

Prepare/format the rewrite rules (in the “temporary” txt file)

Great, now we have the rewrite rules from Sitecore in the temp file – RewriteRulesToBeAdded.txt.

Next, is to format the rewrite rules so they can be merged into the manifest file.

Here are the steps in the Github action:

- name: Formatting the rewriteRules file
???shell: pwsh
???run: |
?????$sb = new-object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder
?????$6spaces = " " * 6
?????[System.IO.StreamReader]$sr = [System.IO.File]::Open("./k8/Sandbox/specs/${{github.event.client_payload.Ingressname}}/patches/${{steps.rewriteRules.outputs.REWRITE_RULES_FILE_NAME}}", [System.IO.FileMode]::Open)
?????while (-not $sr.EndOfStream){
?????????$line = $sr.ReadLine()
?????????if(![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($line)) {
?????????} else {
?????Set-Content ".\k8\Sandbox\specs\${{github.event.client_payload.Ingressname}}\patches\${{steps.rewriteRules.outputs.REWRITE_RULES_FILE_NAME}}" -Value $sb.ToString()
?- name : Read rewriteRules file
???shell: pwsh
???run: |
?????$file = ".\k8\Sandbox\specs\${{github.event.client_payload.Ingressname}}\patches\${{steps.rewriteRules.outputs.REWRITE_RULES_FILE_NAME}}"
?????Get-Content $file -Raw | Write-Host        

Notice how the “6spaces” is (pre)added to each line.

The “read steps” are for debugging.

Merge/add the (formatted) rewrite rules to the manifest file – rewrite-rules-configuration.yaml

We will grab the content(rewrite rules) from the temp file, RewriteRulesToBeAdded.txt.

Then we will merge/put the content to the “editor’s section” in the manifest file – rewrite-rules-configuration.yaml.

Here are the steps in the Github action:

- name: Add rewrite rules to yaml file
??shell: pwsh
??run: |
????$rewriteRulesContent = Get-Content ".\k8\Sandbox\specs\${{github.event.client_payload.Ingressname}}\patches\${{steps.rewriteRules.outputs.REWRITE_RULES_FILE_NAME}}" -raw
????$sitecoreRewrites = "#############SitecoreRewrites###########"
????$con = Get-Content ".\k8\Sandbox\specs\${{github.event.client_payload.Ingressname}}\patches\rewrite-rules-configuration.yaml" -raw
????$toSave = $con.Substring(0, $con.IndexOf($sitecoreRewrites)+$sitecoreRewrites.Length)
????$toSave = $toSave + "`r`n" + $rewriteRulesContent
????Set-Content -Path ".\k8\Sandbox\specs\${{github.event.client_payload.Ingressname}}\patches\rewrite-rules-configuration.yaml" -Value $toSave
- name : Read updated yaml file
??shell: pwsh
??run: |
????$file = ".\k8\Sandbox\specs\${{github.event.client_payload.Ingressname}}\patches\rewrite-rules-configuration.yaml"
????Get-Content $file -Raw | Write-Host        

Notice how we get values from previous steps –?steps.rewriteRules.outputs.REWRITE_RULES_FILE_NAME

Change the file icon to “trafficlight_green”, by updating the serialized UrlRewritesFile item and using Sitecore Cli to make a “sitecore ser push”

It’s time to communicate with the editors and let them know it’s all good?

First, we must locate the file icon in the serialized (master) item file, UrlRewritesFile.yml.

Then replace the icon with the icon – “trafficlight_green”.

And finally, push the changes to Sitecore – sitecore ser push

The editors will be happy when they see the "green" news???

No alt text provided for this image

Here are the steps in the Github action:

- name: Get icon from sitecore master item
??id: geticonvalue-before-success
??uses: mikefarah/yq@master
????cmd: yq '.SharedFields[] | select(.Hint == "__Icon").Value' 'src/items/UrlRewritesMaster/UrlRewritesFile.yml' 
- name : Set success value icon on sitecore master item
??shell: pwsh
??run: |
????$geticonvalueToBeReplaced = "${{ steps.geticonvalue-before-success.outputs.result }}"
????$con = Get-Content .\src\items\UrlRewritesMaster\UrlRewritesFile.yml
????$con | % { $_.Replace($geticonvalueToBeReplaced,$iconSuccess) } | Set-Content .\src\items\UrlRewritesMaster\UrlRewritesFile.yml
- name : Read updated serialized sitecore master item
??shell: pwsh
??run: |
????$file = "./src/items/UrlRewritesMaster/UrlRewritesFile.yml"
????Get-Content $file -Raw | Write-Host
- name : Push content to cm?? 
??shell: bash
??run: |
????dotnet sitecore ser push --force -i Project.RewriteRules.Master        

Notice that we are changing an item by updating the serialized file – UrlRewritesFile.yml. Not using any Sitecore item API. Instead, we change the yml file and then do a “sitecore ser push”?

Commit and push the changes to the GitOps repository

The last part is to commit and push the updated manifest file, rewrite-rules-configuration.yaml, to the GitOps repository.

Here are the steps in the Github action:

- name: Commit files
??run: |
????git config --local user.email [email protected]
????git config --local user.name github-actions
????git commit -m "Updating rewrite rules from sitecore" -a
- name: Push changes
??uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
????github_token: ${{ secrets.REPO_PAT }}
????branch: main        

Lastly, Argo CD will sync the rewrite rules automatically to the Kubernetes cluster.

We now have the new rewrite rules running live on the site!

That’s all for now folks???


G?ran Halvarsson的更多文章

