Handicapping Ambition
Ivan Pavlov, 1890's

Handicapping Ambition


None of the following is investment advice.

Ambition is defined by Oxford as "a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work." Although most of us relate to this definition and possibly even the word itself, I believe 2023 will have a very different interpretation of "ambition". 2023 asks - who has this strong desire? What is this 'something' he/she/they wishes to achieve? What kind of work is 'hard work'? The purpose of this memo is to try to describe the business world as 2023 will present it and how we can adapt to it.

I believe people can change, but since our nature is to resist it, change takes longer and is harder work than many of us would otherwise prefer. If happiness is getting what you want and wanting what you get, we might not currently be getting what we want and we might not want what we get through change. We make decisions every day to stay the course or change, but how much of those decisions were our choice and how much were influenced by grander economic policies? For the past 15 or so years, we chose to be ambitious because the outcomes were nearly guaranteed to be positive, so what would happen if ambitious decisions were nearly guaranteed to not be positive? How do we channel that ambition into other activities that produce positive results?

Current investing environment

Let's get to the point - I expect mostly bad outcomes from investments in the near term. Losing money will be much easier than making money, for the first time in at least 15 years. Humankind has made large increases in productivity and real (i.e. inflation adjusted) per capita incomes, and now we must strive to protect them. It won't be easy.

Next, painful as it is, the most wise investors stay invested because it’s so mentally difficult not to. If you wait around to invest, you might get lucky, but you might get unlucky. While this lucky/unlucky outcome is obvious, many people nonetheless watch the ticker every day, trying to time the market and exhausting their minds. This preoccupation was surprisingly fruitful over those 15 years, so changing will be difficult for many to do. We all want to continue making money without taking appropriate protective measures and without considering our own competences thereof.

Protecting your money will also probably result in losing money, in the short term. To lose 10% of your money when the world loses 40% is very good, even if it doesn't feel like making 40% on your money while the world makes 10%.

Consider two basic investments we all make - hamburgers and televisions. Buying a hamburger arguably solves a hunger problem, it can be constantly reproduced, and it hasn't been improved upon for hundreds if not thousands of years. Buying a television, on the other hand, arguably solves an entertainment problem, it can be more or less constantly reproduced, but it has been improved upon almost every year for less than one hundred years. Which is the better investment? In periods of easy money, those newest models of televisions with much higher price tags will have a higher profit margin than the steady-eddy hamburger of yore. Hamburger prices as well as inputs (i.e. costs) of televisions basically rise in price with inflation. Arguably, televisions can continue piling up in warehouses until the prices drop, whereas hamburgers will continue to be eaten, even at higher prices. Hamburgers have consistent margins (and demand) whereas those of televisions fluctuate relatively wildly. A business that sells televisions, therefore, should theoretically be a worse investment than hamburgers during inflationary times.

Importantly, a business that sells hamburgers can still lose part or all of one's investment. If you have owned a piece of real estate held for investment, you will understand this. Maybe the real estate is in a low demand area (i.e. it cannot be marketed for rent or be sold). Maybe you rent the property but your tenants are very demanding or vandalize it. Maybe you then hire someone to manage your property who is excessively expensive, or a poor steward of any profits that are generated or files erroneous tax returns that require you to clean them up. Mismanagement of time and capital can destroy what would otherwise be a terrific portfolio.

In 1951, Warren Buffett spent hours discussing GEICO with Lorimer Davidson, an investment banker and then-CEO of the company. While many of us might think that was odd and/or unnecessary, to a careful investor, those discussions were and are critical. For 15 years, almost anyone could manage a portfolio of stocks and/or real estate, but historically, it's not easy at all to do so. Had Buffett disliked Davidson's strategy, he might have called off that investment, even in light of good business results. Truth be told, smart, well-intentioned CEO's (i.e. managers) can still fail to produce or can even lose investment capital in any business, so it is an investor's job to handicap those people effectively. Since I know relatively little about running a hamburger or television business, an investment in either would require due diligence of the managers.

Given that I expect to lose money investing this year, why not just stay in cash? To answer that question, let's go back to February of 2020. I was in cash at that time due to challenges not unlike those we see today - precarious levels of debt and waning productivity growth. However, the government stepped in to buy large amounts of that debt, keeping the economy alive. This was a curveball that was both surprising and unthinkable in hindsight, since we are now looking at even more debt and less productivity. In March 2020, I watched Carvana, which I believed had an already broken business model, rise from a $4.4 Billion valuation to a $55 Billion valuation only 15 months later. And now, 15 months from that point, Carvana has a $0.7 Billion valuation. What was the difference between 2020, 2021, and today?

Big money. Above, I referenced an attribution anomaly. Although the government shows up to give away newly printed money to, among others, owners of financial assets, we somehow believe investment gains derive from our skill as investors. From a fundamental perspective, Carvana was worth in March 2020 what it is worth today, but big money (governments, hedge funds, institutions) put $50 Billion into it and made people believe it was a premium investment for 2 years.

Unfortunately, a large risk of waiting is this 'big money effect'. It can happen at any time and under any circumstances. Big money can move markets up or down for years, and no amount of skill can describe how to time it. Much of the time, the demand for any investment that we hold in public and even private markets could be completely determined by big money. A 22% rally in the Nasdaq occurred in just 2 months from June to August this year. If you had been on the sidelines, perhaps you would have been nervous. Timing any of these moves isn't just taxing mentally, but it requires more luck than skill in the near term.

Handicapping financial and nonfinancial risks: the impetus for change.

The goal of any investor is to maximize return and minimize risk. This is provable. But we often forget all of that for numerous reasons and begin making bad decisions. As 'growth stocks' reached highs in 2021, many news programs and media outlets called for higher highs, but fundamentals (business results) indicated otherwise. Ironically, a year later, we see that all in reverse. As stated above, while many businesses will justifiably fall further, plenty of great businesses continue to be thrown away. What decision did you make in 2021? What decision will you make today?

Handicapping is the science/art of identifying rewards (good outcomes) and risks (bad outcomes) of any decision, financial or otherwise. Handicapping is also a golf term, a sport which has a key similarity with investing - it is extremely simple to do well, and even more simple to screw up. In golf, we constantly are tweaking our swings, grips, balls, clubs, and even superstitions, but the goal of the game is to move a ball toward a hole. The complexities around golf are an entire industry, and I must say the industry is mostly unnecessary to your success as a golfer.

Does this sound familiar? The complexities around owning businesses are an entire industry, and I must say it's mostly unnecessary to your success as an investor. The goal is to buy assets that produce a return for you so you don't need to do it yourself. While hamburgers solve a hunger problem, assets solve a lifestyle problem.

Let's say you invest $10,000 in stock XYZ with the goal of selling in one year. Your income is $150,000 per year ($72 per hour).

Scenario 1 - XYZ increased 10% over one year from when you bought it. Outcome -- success. You have made money without your own efforts. Isn't that nice? However, let's say you spent one hour analyzing it each month. Maybe you wanted to learn or maybe you wanted a thrill from watching it move. In golf, this is equivalent to making a par and overthinking how you did it. You simply got the ball toward the hole and made it. You simply bought something that had a good risk/reward. But you ruined that return by wasting $72 per month (one hour of your time), eating into your return. Nonfinancial costs like time are just as important as financial benefits.

Furthermore, maybe that money you made gives you an ambitious jolt and something wakes up inside of you. You begin thinking you are an incredible investor. You spend more time on investing and money, less time in leisure. Ten years later, like Citizen Kane calling out "Rosebud", you'll be calling out "XYZ".

This is a preponderant, insidious risk in investing - getting what you want but not wanting what you get. I've had friends and numerous clients fall prey to this trap. Maybe you continue doing that hard work around your investments, but you aren't happy doing it. Maybe you continue making money, but you are alone, even around loved ones. Perhaps some people had always wanted to be this way, but I doubt it, especially in light of Scenario 2.

Scenario 2 - XYZ dropped 10% over the year that you owned it. Outcome -- failure. You have lost money. In addition, if you spent that same 1 hour per month on analysis, you can tack that onto the loss. Maybe that loss still awakened your ambitious spirits and you decided to make someone else pay for that loss, in either money or a nonfinancial means. You may have wanted to project that pain in an act of vengeance, similar to how Season 1 of Billions (highly recommend) is laid out. If you're Chuck Rhoades (of Billions), no amount of vengeance will satisfy you or save your family relationships. Ten years later, you wonder why you're alone and unhappy.

Notice that in both scenarios your first decision has naturally led to other decisions. While your first decision was well-reasoned, how about your second? How about your third? How about ten years' worth of subsequent decisions? When do you stop and ask yourself to weigh all of the pros and cons of your decisions?

Scenario 1, a bad-good outcome, is more tolerable than Scenario 2's bad-bad outcome. Consistently making money while being unhappy is more tolerable than consistently losing money and being unhappy. Because of this, the likelihood that people change their lives (and investment strategies) in Scenario 1 to seek more happiness seems, to me, to be much lower than such a change in scenario 2.

Hypothesis 2 - Unhappy + losses = higher need for change with respect to unhappy + gains.

Of course, we must also attribute the success or failure of the investment to our analysis, which is incredibly hard to do when the government and big money manipulate prices. I believe many of us have followed the pattern of Scenario 1 for 15 years, and have pursued decisions based on ambition rather than leisure. Said differently, when money is easy to make, people will act ambitiously. When money is harder to make, the same form of ambition mostly produces blatant unhappiness, resulting in a ton of Scenario 2's in the investment space.

Hypothesis 3 - Big money has a much greater effect on investment returns than any of us want to admit.

If my hypotheses are true, 2023 will mark a large change around ambition. Ambition as we have known it will continue to exist, some brilliant people will continue excelling as in years past, and some less intelligent people will continue chasing the success they had in the past. Every day will be a new decision, and each new day will form new decision trees where people either settle on what they have or continue highflying ambition. Intelligent people will realize how silly it is to buy a $10,000 couch or drive a $100,000 car just to show off. I believe these things will still exist, but will taper off significantly in favor of a growing market for reasonability. Providing for our families will be relatively harder, so it should naturally become a higher priority. Big money and the government are taking money out of the market (i.e. quantitative tightening, rate hikes), so we probably should follow suit.

Big City Living

Ivan Pavlov described relationships between a stimulus and a response. Pavlov showed a dog a bowl of food and the dog would salivate. He would play a metronome, followed closely by a bowl of food, and the dog would salivate. But what happened when the metronome was not followed by a bowl of food? Gradually, the dog would stop salivating.

How many stimuli trigger our ambition these days? My generation has succumbed to a loop of constant, unrelenting ambition, as described by Anne Helen Petersen in her fantastic work "How Millenials Became the Burnout Generation." For years, I have heard of burnout without giving it a measured thought. After all, that measured thought will only occur when you experience the symptoms for yourself or read something such as Petersen's work.

Bad decisions arise from burnout when we continue to believe we will get a bowl of food when the metronome, as it were, is played. But that bowl of food is being inflated away in 2023. And the metronomes, which should be waning, are only growing stronger. Cities are still in demand, restaurants with $20 hamburgers are still busy, and our bosses are still expecting more of us in 2023 for roughly the same pay. It's commonplace to believe that burnout is weakness and we ought to 'snap out of it', but really bad decisions are often made when one can't identify the risks and the rewards of new decisions. Such capitulation is more manifest among social classes than among generations. To wit, lower classes without money will have fewer choices and those choices will become worse and worse as wealth accumulates in the higher classes.

If such people aren't given the bowl of food any longer, how many of them will still seek it out? How many of them will still seek out life and work in cities? How many of them will still buy a $20 hamburger? How many of them will work the same job that now requires twice the labor and the same income?

Hypothesis 4 - Lower socioeconomic classes will rein in ambition and productivity will decrease.

A strong hypothesis requires a strong outcome. If you are or are not in a lower class, you might decide that the hypothesis 4 above is reasonable and that you should consider understanding its applications in the event it will occur.

Big Money

In past memos, I justifiably abhorred growth stocks. Looking back, that was not a good decision. Let me explain. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Logically, a 3% cash yield means that any investment should produce at least 3% in cash in the long term. While such determinations would have been impossible while the government gave away money, so many "zombie" business models today exist that will never hit profitable scale (i.e. they will never produce even 1% cash). To assume that these were the only variables in profiting from a company's gradual failure may have been short-sighted.

In the last month alone, Wells Fargo, Danske Bank, Epic games and FTX have proven that regulation in corporate America is mostly a shadow of a policeman rather than a policeman. How can I say such a thing? One of my favorite books is John Gresham's Rainmaker which describes a naive lawyer whom wins a record settlement against a lightly regulated insurance company that, in weeks prior to the verdict, moves all of its money outside the USA and declares bankruptcy. While US regulators claim to play hardball, it appears big money is playing hardball too. The result is a good cop/bad cop routine demonstrated for retail investors. This variable, that regulation is always questionable, should be considered in investment decisions just like any other variable.

As mentioned in previous memos, a common "quant" strategy is to buy up things that are otherwise worth nothing due to a trend in their prices, attracting retail investors until finally selling to pocket gains. While I believe this is a truth, it is mentally difficult to accept this as a risk to an investment strategy. I believe that betting on dropping businesses, in light of askew regulation, is categorically a poor decision. Such a conclusion is borne from either of two bad outcomes -

  1. The government reverses course and begins giving money back, and the worst businesses move the highest, despite declining fundamentals. A rise due to an unlucky break.
  2. A market manipulation occurs across the entire market, lasting months, and the worst businesses move the highest, despite declining fundamentals. A rise due to an unlucky break.

Oddly, outcome 1, while very closely resembling outcome 2, is much easier to accept than outcome 2. Furthermore, because it is easier to accept, it is likewise easier to give up a bet against a gradually failing business. In outcome 2, so much time is spent determining what person(s) is out there shadowboxing with you that any long term gain in your decision is ruined by both time and mental anguish.

At any given time, someone with resources can make many decisions with good outcomes while someone without resources can mostly make decisions with bad outcomes ("beggars can't be choosers"). And many of those decisions are one in the same - the person with resources forces a counterparty of lesser means into that bad decision. Someone is promised a way to have a good outcome in a fair and just way only to find out that they were flat-out lied to. Most people entering a decision don't factor in the risk that they will be lied to, but, like Decision 2 above, they must not be that naive - it's a prerogative of someone with resources to increase their own probabilities of a good outcome in their own decision.

Brutally, many of these people will not have the patience, resources, or wherewithal to identify that they are being forced into a trap. One bad decision could trap them for the rest of their lives, and 10 years later, they are still calling out "Rosebud", waiting for a day to be unstuck.

Hypothesis 5 - People without resources (time, money) will fall into 'bad-decision-traps'.

Identifying risks and rewards ("handicapping") is critical at all times, especially when risks, both financial and nonfinancial, are relatively elevated. Is it harder to change or continue living in pain? To change is risky because a) you may have an expected bad outcome and b) you may have an unexpected bad outcome. Deciding to continue as you are includes expected and unexpected bad outcomes for many among us, but there is often no effort exerted to change. We might rather be in pain for the rest of our lives than decide on a different life strategy and try it out.

What should you splurge on? One answer is things that probably won't change in demand too much. When Buffett describes his "circle of competence" - when he doesn't know where a business will be in the future - he's more describing a demand problem for a business or frontier technologies with unknown competitors. You should be more likely to splurge on something that can produce consistently for many years versus fads. This goes for everyday purchases as well as investments.

People often travel to great lengths to check out real estate purchases, but often make $1 Million business purchases without knowing the details of the business. For some 15 years, this was a profitable decision - why put the time and effort into buying a business when your neighbors are all getting wealthier every day?

This memo describes relationships between people, places, and things, including investments. Behavioral finance strives to describe our relationships, why sometimes we make perfectly logical decisions, and why other times we make terrible decisions. Although behavioral finance describes "how" people make "bad" decisions, the "why" seems much more empirical. If our investment decisions are clear and logical, we make decisions to own productive assets, such as real estate and businesses alike, that can consistently protect our real purchasing power.

In golf, you're just knocking the ball down the course toward holes. People get so caught up in technique that they forget what they are supposed to be doing! It's not that hard a sport when you realize the goal is nothing more than hitting a ball across grass. Investing isn't that hard an activity when you realize the goal is nothing more than earning a safe return in excess of inflation. Personal goals might exist such as how much money you will need for retirement, but the most important goal is to determine how to make your money work for you.

The "Good" outcome is constantly changing for you - what will make you happy this year might not have made you happy last year. The decision you made in 2021 might be different than the decision you make in 2023. And of course, many people getting what they want might no longer want that... meaning that the parameters of their entire decision making process is at risk. Those parameters should, logically, change. As legendary basketball coach John Wooden says, there's a difference between winning and succeeding.

The hardest part of investing is waiting for yourself to be comfortable with a decision. Often we make hasty decision out of fears: fear of losses or fear of missing out. This fear is just as much of a risk as any other. The best decisions are obvious winners, and you should strive to only find those. In an ideal decision, you know the result will be good and that you will want the result.

We all struggle. If we can try to struggle toward outcomes that we really want, we will be more satisfied. If we lazily struggle toward bad outcomes, we might continuously be miserable and seek change. So let's look for safe investments and ride them out and want everything that comes with those decisions.


Jamie Esler, CFP?, CFA的更多文章

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