A Handful of Reasons Why Estate Planning is Important.

A Handful of Reasons Why Estate Planning is Important.

1. Prevents Assets From Going To Unintended Beneficiaries. In my former life as an investment advisor, I met a woman approximately 10yrs ago who had been referred to me by another client. She stepped into my office and shared how her husband had died, leaving behind well over five million dollars in investment property; a couple car dealerships; a profitable restaurant; and over two million dollars in cash. After offering condolences, admittedly I worked hard to contain a smile. And my fellow investment advisors and insurance agents know why.

 However, as I began to ask questions (take inventory), the story took a turn for the worse. After several phone calls and document requests, I discovered that her husband never updated his estate plan from a previous marriage. He never got around to it, because he was too busy. The previous wife and her son inherited over 80% of the aforementioned assets. The widow inherited the deceased husband’s mother along with her mushrooming medical bills from her failing health. She felt obligated to care for his mother, and continued to do so until she had depleted almost all of her assets.

 2. Protects Against Tax Bite. When one passes away, an estate is created, and taxes will be due when that estate passes hands to your heirs. In other words, let’s say hypothetically, you build a business worth in excess of 5, 10, 20, 100 million dollars. You die. Your heirs must pay the estate taxes or they could be disinherited from the empire you built, crushing your dreams of creating generational wealth.

You need a tax attorney, an estate planning attorney, and a highly trained CPA to navigate these waters. Plus a psychic, and some INSURANCE people. Don’t believe me, take a moment to study how the Joe Robbie family lost the Miami, Dolphins stadium. It happens, frequently.

 3. Protects Your Family from Each Other & Your Business from Your Family & Your Partner’s Family Members. You and your bestest friend in the whole wide world start up a business together. You have a wife and children. Your partner has a wife and children. The partner becomes disabled or dies. Meaning the partner is no longer making a contribution to the continuation of the business, but their family has become accustomed to the lifestyle being provided by the business. Also, though they don’t have a freaking clue about how to run the business, they have inherited a piece of the business.

 Now YOU have a problem. And the icing on the cake is your partner is dead, so they don’t have to deal with the fist fights, drama, skulduggery, and hurt feelings.

4. Keep the Siblings from Eviscerating Each Other. You’ve built an empire: real estate, a couple retail stores, a dealership, a handful of restaurants. You have a wife who has been hands off for the most part. You have three children; two of them having been hands off from the business as well.

When you meet your maker, do you really want the wife and two children who have been hands off to really have a say so in how these assets are managed or how capital is distributed? Or do you want the child who was with you every step of the way, and knows every single employee and stakeholder?

A properly constructed estate plan will insure that everyone remains happy, and the mini-mogul you’ve been grooming continues to steer the golden egg producing ship.

 5. I Don't Have Enough Assets to Be Concerned. Wrong! Well, not quite. You'll be dead. So yes, you won't be concerned.

However, the less you have, the more important it is to insure that everything is accounted for. Your family cannot afford for any of the assets to go elsewhere, other than to their benefit. Wealth creation is a slow meandering process often times. However, remember this. Snowflakes turn into snowballs.

6. No Shame in this Plug. LegalShield provides the most effective, cost effective means to help families, entrepreneurs, and business owners navigate estate planning challenges.

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JuJuan Buford is a Detroit native, a successful entrepreneur, activist, writer, and public speaker. Buford is dedicated to helping families, entrepreneurs, and business owners establish thriving enterprises, achieve financial independence, and build lives of satisfaction.

Follow him online here:

LinkedIn: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/jujuan-buford-25997a2a


