“Mihir's Handbook of Chemical Process Engineering”

The ebook titled “Mihir's Handbook of Chemical Process Engineering” is available at website


This book will aid the chemical engineer to carry out chemical process engineering in a very practical way. The process engineer can use excel based calculation templates effectively to do correct and proper process design. Chemical engineering is a very vast and complex field. This handbook aims to simplify the process engineering design.

Design of a chemical plant involves one being adept in technical aspects of process engineering. The book aims at making the chemical engineer proficient in the art of process design. 

Overall index to each chapter and sub-index for each chapter are respectively provided in this same website under


Included are chemical engineering basics on simulation, stoichiometry, fluid property calculation, dimensionless numbers, thermodynamics and on chemical engineering equipment like pumps, compressors, steam turbines, gas turbines, flares, motors, fired heaters, incinerators, heat exchangers, distillation/fractionation columns, absorbers, strippers, packed columns, solar evaporation ponds, separators. Utility design of nitrogen, compressed air, water, effluent treatment, steam, condensate, desalination, fuel selection is also covered.

Many chemical engineering calculations have been included. Special process items like flame arrestors, demisters, feed devices, pressure reducing and desuperheating stations (PRDS), vortex breakers, electric heaters, manual valves, etc have also been covered.

Process engineering design criteria, process control, material of construction, specialized process studies, safety studies, precommisioning and commissioning have been covered.

Project engineers will also benefit from information provided on types of project (EPC, EPCM, Cost + Fee, etc) as well as interdisciplinary interaction between various engineering disciplines i.e. between process and piping, mechanical, instrumentation, electrical, civil & THSE.

Process engineering documentation like process flow diagram (PFD), equipment list, piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID), block flow diagram (BFD), DP-DT diagram, material selection diagram (MSD), line list, process data sheets, summaries like utility summary, effluent and emission summary, tie in summary and flare relief load summary have been covered with blank templates. Excerpts from few random chapters have also been provided on this same website at https://chemicalprocessengineering.com/category/download-and-read-free-sample/

Please do visit the website.

Book is also available for purchase on Amazon and Flipkart (only within India).

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