The Hamster Wheel of Social Media
Mickey Mellen
Partner at GreenMellen | Website Developer | Speaker | Technology Enthusiast
About a year ago, Jay Acunzo released an amazing concept called “The Idea Impact Matrix“, which was focused on creating higher-impact content.
As part of the matrix, he encourages us to stay out of the “commodity cage”, where you produce content that is very general and not too insightful. There is a ton of that content online, and AI is only making it worse. Here is a short clip from a session that Jay led that showcases how many people view social media today:
Creating content on social media is certainly a great move for many businesses, but doing it with purpose and insight is far more valuable than just churning out more and more generic stuff.
There are a lot of people that I follow on various social platforms that put out awesome, useful content that I love to see. Then there are others that are just pumping out whatever they can. The more you can lean toward the former, the better.
I encourage you to check out Jay’s two-part series for more.