HammerTek: Smart Elbow Conveys Lime – Upper Occoquan Water Reclamation Plant (Wastewater)
Reinhard Dr.-Ing. W?hlbier
Founder & Partner of powderbulkvideos.com & schuettgut-videos.de
HammerTek: Smart Elbow Conveys Lime – Upper Occoquan Water Reclamation Plant (Wastewater)
After trying a variety of elbows, all of which failed, the Upper Occoquan Water Reclamation Plant discovered the HammerTek Smart Elbow and has been running without a blowout ever since.
Unlike conventional “impact” elbows and “plugged-tee” elbows that rely on material impact to change direction, HammerTek’s Smart Elbow design features a spherical chamber that protrudes partially beyond the desired 90° or 45° pathway. This causes a ball of material suspended in air to rotate — in the same direction as the air stream that powers it — gently deflecting incoming material around the bend without hitting the elbow wall.
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HammerTek Videos on Powder Bulk Videos:
1. Smart Elbow Introduction and Overview
2. HammerTek Smart Elbow Conveys glass-filled plastic pellets – RheTech Inc
3. HammerTek: Smart Elbow Conveys Lime – Upper Occoquan Water Reclamation Plant (Wastewater)