Hamburg: The ?Thank-you’-City.
Hamburg port with the Philharmony, the old Kaiser-Speicher in the Speicherstadt

Hamburg: The ?Thank-you’-City.

When I moved to Hamburg in 2020, I noticed an extraordinary characteristic of the people there that I had never encountered in Hanover, where I had lived for a long time, or any other place I had visited, whether for short or long stays. You say something nice about someone and immediately receive a single phrase in response: "Thank you."

Eventually, I noticed that this kept repeating. No matter who it was, the people of Hamburg would say "Thank you," with a special genuine undertone, a vibration that felt good.

Since I observed this, it has somehow become a "sport" for me. I can quickly say something positive about someone, and I am always fascinated by the "thank you" reaction:

"Nice beard."

"Cool bike."

"Your pants are such a bright red."

"The color of your jacket looks really nice."

"You are the best-dressed man I've encountered today."

Practice makes perfect—it has become increasingly easier for me to say these things.

Sometimes, you only have a split second to think of a nicety when you pass someone by. Even then, it happens.

The only exception: If the person has earplugs in: noise cancellation or simply too loud music "in their ears."

It's especially nice when a compliment is returned.

"The same to you."

"To you as well."

"Nice Renault," I just said as I waited behind a chic black Renault Talis-Man with my dog, and someone got in quite quickly. As I drove past, he rolled down the passenger window. And he amplified my little compliment by wishing me well and asking after me.

Try it yourself. If you are in Hamburg, by all means, but elsewhere too. A sincerely meant nicety, a compliment. You will surely think of something.

We all need that.

— — — —

Two days ago, the manager of the facility I oversee paid me a huge compliment. And my first reaction was not ?Thank you.‘

How stupid.


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