HAMAS and the BIG question.(P1)
Almost everyone I met in the last two weeks asks "Do you condone Hamas for what it's done?" In an indirect way they are saying "Are you with us or against us?"(Remember George W Bush after 911 ?...) or "Are you on the side of the free world or are you siding with the Human Animals?" As the current defence minister of Israel Yoav Gallant describes the Palestinians in Gaza.
Well you need to read between the lines buddy...
The conflict clock between the Palestinians and the Israelis did not start on Saturday October the 7th. I'm 52 and the conflict started way before I was born. But I have experienced war and I do remember the Israeli invasion led by then the defence minister Ariel Sharon to Beirut in 1982, I was 11 back then. Fearing for our lives we had to leave the city that I was born in, and mostly destroyed, to Tripoli in northern Lebanon. Seeing the distruction footage now from Gaza I can almost smell the gunpowder. The invasion goal back then was to (A) create a buffer zone away from the northern Israeli border and (B) to finish off the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organisation) that was gaining momentum in Lebanon led by Yasser Arafat.
A buffer zone was indeed created and south Lebanon was occupied for more than 20 years by the Israeli Army. The PLO fighters however along with their leader were driven out of Beirut to Tunisia under the protection of US troops in an agreement led by the US and some Arab countries to end the war.
After the PLO's deportation the US marines were supposed to stay for 30 days to insure the Safety of Palestinian civilians but withdrew their troops after just 10 days from Beirut announcing "mission accomplished" leaving thousands of civilians in Palestinian refugee camps like Sabra and Shatila defenceless while the PLO fighters were half way to Tunisia on a ship.
For almost two days a right-wing Lebanese militia "Phalange" in Coordination with the Israeli army killed between 2000 to 3500 men, women and children in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Maybe the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu forgot the sight of those babies killed and the women that were raped 41 years ago, "there is plenty of pictures on the internet by the way and they are not AI generated" or Maybe Ariel Sharon back then was thinking the same way as his successor Yoav Gallant is thinking today, that these people are just Human Animals.
So, Have I answered your question?