The Halo Effect & Your Personal Brand
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The Halo Effect & Your Personal Brand

Your professional image design must reflect your personal brand. Your brand should identify you as a leader and therefore should be distinctive and visible as well as consistent. It is important to understand that all individuals draw conclusions, an immediate emotional decision is made and then we justify it logically.

For example:

? our minds are like pigeon holes, labels and stereotypes

? we like to understand things

? we are very quick to notice things which are not right, seem out of place or different. What’s not appropriate!

Rachel Quilty, The Brand Architect at Jump the Q commented, “If you have a positive personal brand, you are attributed with other positive aspects. This is known as the Halo Effect. For example, if you look confident, you will be perceived as competent and intelligent. You are likely to be a nice person. Good at your job. You will be good to do business with. People will be more willing to accept your prices and will question you less.”

The Halo Effect also is seen in a greater willingness by others to forgive transgressions. You can save money by improving all aspects of your professional image. Improving your image has a direct effect of improving your perceived professionalism and quality of your brand.

Your clients will judge you quickly by your appearance. A decision about your abilities, capabilities and effectiveness are determined initially by what you wear before you say a word.

Quilty stated further, “We encourage our clients to think strategically and develop a signature brand image so they can attract the right attention. When developing a personal brand to get that job offer, gain that promotion or win that client you ensure your professional image is is your own signature style. At this inexpensive online personalized style program is the most comprehensive on the market, allowing you to create over 200+ outfit choices that are perfect for your body shape. A similar product exists for men at”

A more significant aspect of the psychology of a first impression is that within later encounters we track and recognize actions or behavior that supports our first impression, validating our first decision. Even if it was wrong.

If we create a negative first impression, it takes a lot of work to change it. If you don’t have a positive image people, will challenge your product, prices and question your service and quality. You will not be afforded the same opportunities, promotions and attention. This is called the Horn Effect.

Your professional image directly influences your thinking, what you are feeling and your behavior; and then influences those we interact with through their thoughts, feelings and behavior. Therefore, directly effecting your reputation and their perception of you.

Sixty-seven percent of first impressions are accurate. People judge you firstly by appearance, then by how you communicate, and finally by the words you use. Is your professional image an accurate reflection?

And while they say “An ounce of image is worth a ton of performance.”; a great track record of performance built on intelligence, skill and hard work is certainly a prerequisite for delivering your brand promise.

Never believe that your output is of more value than your personal branding and professional image.

However, a positive, professional personal brand that ignites people, mobilizes them into action and influences public opinion is what’s even more important.

First impressions count. Within six seconds a person has formed an opinion. We have made an irreversible first impression.

A first impression is made up of:

? fifty-five percent visual

? thirty-eight percent tonality

? seven percent the words we use

Keep in mind most people will firstly judge you by what you wear, then how you speak, then the words you say. Every day people judge you – before you have said a word. Before you have said a word your appearance has said a lot about you. The question is, what is it saying about you?

Are you sabotaging your earning potential?

?? Your clients will judge you quickly by your appearance.

A decision about your abilities, capabilities and effectiveness are determined initially by what you wear before you say a word. Adopt a big business approach. An appropriate dress code is a core part of every professional image. Develop a look which is comfortable, smart and easy to maintain, and make it your unofficial uniform. Your business uniform should reflect the image, values and standards of your business. A coordinated, consistent and professional image becomes your signature. You become a professional brand.

You can ensure your personal brand commands authority and respect with a little known fact, which has been confirmed by many studies, is that individuals who have a professional image, are appropriately attired and/or have the trappings of authority are accorded more attention or obedience by those they encounter. Improving your professional image increases your persuasiveness.

Whether it is your suits, watches, glasses or handbag or in business this would be your uniform, vehicle or stationery; the trappings of power or wealth should be consistent with your position as an expert in your field as people are easily swayed by the appearance of authority.

Known in psychology fields as the Halo Effect, the opposite can also be true.

If you are not taking advantage of this principle you may be sabotaging your career and effective #leadership. Consequently, you are undervaluing and very possibly, underselling yourself and/or your business.

One of the greatest challenges is maintaining a well-groomed professional appearance as a less formal professional image became commonplace while working remotely. Now with working from home the new normal with many workplaces electing to maintain remote working practices; we need to consider our professional image. We need to develop a professional look that supports productive work while remaining persuasive in terms of team leaders and contribution.

This foundational knowledge of branding and the importance of perception, allows you to determine what impacts your personal brand and then develop simple strategies to enhance your success.

We need to think carefully about what image we are presenting to our staff, team, supervisor and clients.

For success you must manage your total image. This broadly comprises of your performance, presentation, attitude, communication skills and reputation. These are the vital areas of ‘image’ from which we are all judged.

You can control your personal brand. It requires strategic image management and professional image design or in business managing carefully your brand identity. Brand identity is basically the look, feel and performance of your brand. These are within your control, although how people perceive them is not always in your control we can attempt to direct their perceptions to a positive outcome.

It is critical to recognize the importance of your personal, professional and business image in building a successful personal brand.

A supervisor’s or client’s impression of you will determine if they get to know you, like and trust you with additional responsibilities and promotion opportunities and do business with you.

Visual impressions are important and part of the communication process.

Presenting a professional image is a direct reflection on you:

?? Do you care about yourself?

?? Are you disciplined?

?? Do you provide attention to detail?

?? How you will treat a client?

Jump the Q assists you to strategically and systematically leverage your professional profile and build your personal brand to become the authority in your industry. Get your free personal branding journal, tactics and tips at and start creating your new work look with

Brand Yourself! And Jump the Q! Your personal brand should reflect your abilities and potential. Rachel Quilty, Personal Brand Strategist, known as ‘the Authority’ on personal branding and author of must- have book ‘Brand Yourself’.

We assist you to develop your Personal Brand Strategy by:

- Discovering your purpose.

- Designing your best personal brand.

- Devising a personal marketing plan.

- Developing your Signature Brand.

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