Halloween truck safety tips
When approaching a truck, check once then check again. If turning into their lane, is there enough room for them to slow down safely when you enter their lane? If in doubt, keep indicator on until truck flicks their lights to let you know it is safe for you to change lanes. Do you think they see you coming? DO not cut trucks off. They cannot stop on a dime like cars can. Can you see the driver? If not you are on their blind spot. In other words they cannot see you so they don't know you are there. If you come to a truck turning right, GIVE THEM ROOM. They need lots of space to make a right turn, so PLEASE make sure that if you are in the right lane, they have A LOT of space to turn ahead of you. Cars are small. A contest between you and and transport truck may end with them jack knifing as they try not to run you over. Make sure your lights are on at night. So like truckers do a check list. Headlights, check. Break lights, check. Horn, check (try not to hit the horn too many times..lol). Last but not least, be safe and alert yourself. If you are tired or upset don't drive. If you have gone out to celebrate, Uber or cab home.
Yes I know I called this post Truck Safety tips. but these tips apply to anyone that gets behind the wheel. Keep an eye out for the Leprechauns, the little super heroes, horrors, princesses, ponies and little firefighters that will be out on the 31st. Keep them and yourselves safe out there. #safety #trucking #halloween #celebrations #pumpkins #ghouls #fun #funtimes #trucksaftey #roadsafety #joyouslife #womenintrucking #logistics