The Hallmark of Happy Humans

The Hallmark of Happy Humans

The Hallmark of Happy Humans ??

If there’s one thing the I have had to get used to, being in business, particularly over the last two years, it’s being able to turn on a sixpence, to be flexible, to have to look at what’s going on and make some sort of sense and be able to make what may seem like spontaneous decisions, only to turn them on their head again just a few days later!!

That can mess with your head, and your teams'?? As leaders, we have to be able to put in place structures that keep the engines oiled and the wheels turning. We also have to make the most of what the data is telling us in any one moment and be willing to make a decision, a choice, even though that may have to be overturned in light of new information??.

Dan Siegel is one of the world’s leading mindfulness, neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology experts.

Dan tells us that the healthy human being is psychologically flexible. He says we need to be kind of like a river flowing between two banks, on one side we have structure and on the other we have spontaneity.

So, what is the trick to maintaining flexibility? Well it is to make sure we don’t flood one side or the other. We want to have just the right amount of structure, too much and you get rigid. And we know that’s not good??.

On the other side of our river of flexibility we have spontaneity. Again, we need a certain amount but not too much. If we go over the top on spontaneity, we can flood that side and wind up with chaos. Also, not good.

Dan tells us that the hallmark of a healthy human being is just like the river of flexibility, it runs between the banks of structure and spontaneity.

Structure + Spontaneity = Flexibility ??

How’s your river? Are you sticking rigidly to structures that don’t work anymore, or can you be a little to spontaneous?

Are you flooding one side or the other?

As with all these things it’s a delicate balance, the tightrope of business and life!.

What’s one little thing you can do to optimise your river today?

Stay Focussed, Keep Positive and Choose to Step Forward into Growth in Every Moment.

Love??, Hugs??, High Fives?? and Fist Bumps??

Toni ??

Toni Eastwood OBE, MBA

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