Hallmark Christmas film 2023 casting call!
back by at least some demand it is time once again to claim your role in this year's HOLIDAY FEATURE FILM
written by: me
starring: YOU????? possibly me if things getr desperate
are U interested???? great that actually helps me quite a lot, here's your TO-DO list:
- tell me you wanna be in the movie (hit my dms or email [email protected])
- get assigned ONE SCENE from the film. i will do my best to match you with a scene that suits your needs/abilities, so lemme know what your preferences are (like if you want a shorter/longer one, one with more/less talking, outdoors/indoors, roles for 0-25 number of people, etc.) as well as any special skills or locations/props you wanted to use. **PLEASE NOTE you dont even necessarily need other people, i can always assign half a scene's dialog to another person and stick them together seamlessly in post. movie mgaic
- CREATE THE SCENE as you see fit (like act it out and film it)
- send it back to me by SATURDAY DECEMBER 16TH for assembly
- enjoy the finished product, a feature film that reminds us all the true meaning of a true christmas season in addition to making total and complete linear sense
Q: What is this movie about?
A: "Assorted townfolk of Mistletoe Junction gather for an old fashioned family holiday at the lodge. rated 14A for mild language and adult themes"
Q: Does it pass the Bechdel Test?
A: absolutely not
Q: How long are the scenes?
A: On average 0.5 to 2.5 normal printer paper sized pages
Q: How do I film it?
A: However you want it doesn't matter at all but if you use a cell phone remember to turn it sideways like this way [_______]
Q: Does it have to be shot in a specific style?
A: NO scenes are open to interpretation I relinquished all creative control when I didn't film the movie myself so u can do literally whatever you want as long as the dialog is somewhat clear
Q: What if I'm camera shy?
A: dude you literally don't even have to be in it u can do it however you want including (but not limited to)
- film other people doing the scene
- outsource your scene entirely and take the credit
- use animals instead of people, in the business we give them peanut butter to make it look like they' are talking
- puppets or other inanimate objects, stop motions, animations
- sky is the limit again i dont even care if it sucks i'll take full responsibility i should have thought of that before i tried to follow through on yet another half baked scheme
Q: Whoa this scene calls for an outrageous setting or object I do not have at my disposal
A: ya sorry most of them actually do but the imagination is a power tool I believe you will find a way
Q: Perhaps my talents would be put to better use in other areas
A: What, like score composition or FX ? well it IS highly unorthodox but interesting proposition make me a pitch im sure we can work something out. **NOTE THAT YOU COULD ALSO MAKE A COMMERCIAL TO AIR BEFORE THE FILM
Q: What if I agree to this and then lose motivation along the way?
A: Pls let me know asap what ur major roadblocks any scene can be adjusted/broken into smaller parts, just remember AS MENTIONED the final product can be as low or high effort as you want dont stress!!! some of the best scenes of past years took 2 seconds and look like garbage lol
Q: Can I do more than one scene?
A: Sure!
Q: Can I read the whole rest of the script in addition to my own scene?
A: NO the scenes will remain completely out of context to u my collaborators until final product is unleashed on the world, so you don't go into it with any biases against the chracters it makes for a fresher performance dont question my methods
Q: When will it be unleashed
A: official release date TBA sometime around Christmas via youtube premiere feature, stay tuned
Q: Where can I see past Hallmark releases
A: 2019 - https://youtu.be/51pXhJ9oldM
2020 - https://youtu.be/Y-XK0SIb7cI
again hit my dms or email any quesitons it is fun to participate in the film. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR PARTICIPATING