Hall of Fame Winner Philip Hayes, and other award winners and judges, at the Florrie 2018.
Philip Hayes
The Good Samaritans Album Project Co-ordinator, artist and collage creator
Esteemed film maker Chris Bernard one of the Judges at Liverpool City Region Community Arts and Music Awards, inaugural event.
'Hall of Fame' first inductee Philip Hayes.
“Awarded to the person that has contributed to our community’s arts/music scene, making an impact and creating opportunities that benefit communities within the Liverpool city region”.
Friday 20th April, 2018, The Florrie, The Dingle, Liverpool
Philip Hayes acceptance speech, at the podium.
"A big thank you to Anne Lundon of the Florrie, the Judges-Dave Pichillingi CEO at Sound City, Peter Turner-film maker ‘Film Stars Don’t die in Liverpool’, Janice Long, BBC Radio DJ and Chris Bernard Film maker, . I'd also like to thank The Liverpool City Region Community Music and Arts Awards staff, and the sponsors, Commuttal, for putting together this event, which celebrates what a great cultural city Liverpool is.
(Philip Hayes receiving the Florrie silver bowl and Jamie Reid plaque from Kate Shoane representing sponsors of the awards Commutual)
Many of you here tonight will know the story of my achievements at the Picket music venue and Pinball Wizard recording studio where my service to the people of Liverpool and beyond, for over 30 years, made me a very well-known individual indeed, (see below entrance to the Merseyside Unemployed Centre where the Picket and Pinball Wizard studio where located).
Whenever I’m in Liverpool city centre, I’m almost bound to meet someone who says “You know what Phil? You gave our band a start when no one would look at us,” or indeed an individual will say “I’m working in the music industry in London” or wherever “because of the training you gave me access to”.
They are always very nice and heart-warming encounters.
Ironically being so well known also made my fall from grace so public and painful.
To be frank, I very nearly lost my life. I had two breakdowns and spent six months in Windsor House Mental Health Clinic.
Listen though this is a story with a happy ending.
With the love and support of my family, friends and colleagues - many of whom are in this hall tonight, and the wonderful NHS, I was able to recover and return to the world a happier and more contented soul.
For me the pain is over, unfortunately it isn’t for the 1 in 3 of the UK’s population, who suffer from mental illness.
( Photograph above shows me with Jennifer John formerly of Sense of Sound who was also an award winner. I assisted to set up when they formed in the 1990's).
That is what my current project The Good Samaritans Album is about and this award celebrates and recognises that.
(Jennifer John with compere for the awards Ricky - 'Music my arse'- Tomlinson).
I’m bowled over that the judges and indeed the general public should deem me worthy of this accolade, it makes me proud and I see it as acknowledging all the vital and good work that my colleagues and I including Gregg Webb, Mike Blackmon, Kevin McManus, Jona Cox, Jim Sharp designer, the staff at SAFE Bootle- Brian and Jonathan Dawe, Jane Johnson, Victoria Ferguson and Rachel Cotter, and the Belve Youth Club in Toxteth- Mary Hughes, have done to pull this project together.
( Photograph shows Philip Hayes with Rocky Tomlinson with Kate Shoane representative of event sponsors Commutual)
I hope you can appreciate from what I have said that this project is not a one man band show, it relies upon good people to support me in practical ways donating their time and their talents to help me put it together to make it a successful I also thank the funders behind the project the UK’s two biggest unions UNITE and the GMB, the Jamie Carragher 23 Foundation - thanks Philly and Dayana, LIPA/Mark Featherstone-Witty, Hogan Brown Solicitors -John Brown, and the private individuals who’ve put their two pennyworth in.project.
Special mention to Andy Dockerty at ADLIB, one of the World's biggest PA and lighting companies- based right here in Liverpool, who has donated all the sound and lighting equipment for the launch event, who in spite of being an Evertonian, is a jolly decent chap.
I also gave Andy a helping hand when he first started in the 1980’s, he is returning the favour.
(Pete Townshend from the Who has contributed two songs to the Good Samaritans Album Project)
In terms of the artists on the album I thank The Who - Pete Townshend and his PA Nic Joss, in particular who have supported my projects since 1983 through the good times and the bad, especially when I was severely ill.
(Billy Bragg another high profile artist appearing on the Good Samaritans album).
Also participating are Billy Bragg, The Liverpool Philharmonic string quartet, Deaf School, OMD, Amsterdam, Ian Broudie, Christy Moore, Martin Carthy, Nicky Wire from the Manics, Declan O’Rourke, Cast, Space, China Crisis, The Coral, She Drew the Gun, Robert Wyatt and Kathryn Williams. I am also confident of enlisting a further 3 major artists to add to this list.
None of this, of course, would happen without the music these artists produce and their generosity in donating their songs.
I will do all that I can to make this album a success as an expression of my respect and thanks to the people who have made The Good Samaritans album a reality.
(Members of the World renowned Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra have reorded a track that will be included on the album).
(My family.......happy at home ).
I’m so happy at the moment with my life.
On a personal note I thank my wife Lorna, and our kids Niamh, Rory, (and Eva his fiancée), Jacinta and my grandchild Amaya for being in my life.
They experienced my illness at first hand and suffered as a consequence. Now I am well and recovered they know now, the past is over and the future is ours together, with love in our hearts.
So look out for the release of the album on 10th October, World Mental Heath Day at the British Music Experience in the Cunard Building at the Pier Head.
The album and the campaign will shine a light on mental health and, hopefully, make the world a happier place, by encouraging mentally ill people to get the help and support they need to get well, rather than continuing to hide and suffer, and in the worse cases take their own life.
Life is great, let’s go and make it better for others.
Bless you my brothers and sisters, for our love , kindness and compassion.
Philip Hayes”.
Jennifer John, Liverpool Acts Award winner presented by John Finnegan from Liverpool Homeless Team Fottball Club.
Award winners Granby Street Market Community Event of the Year.
The Spider Project won the Health and Well Being Award. Pictured Mel Bowen Director and staff from the Proeject They were presented with their Jamie Reid limited edition plaque by Councillor Anne O'Byrne Liverpool City Council,
Mel Bowen, Director of the Spider Project
The Florrie YOUNG AMMASSDEURS award winners.
Ricky Tomlinson with Dave from Mellowtone receiving the Makiing a Difference through Music award from David Pichillingi, CEO Sound City.
The Rotunda receiving their award from Ricky Tomlinson for supporting the arts through Education and Training.
Thanks to John Johnson, Graham Smillie and Jennifer John for use of their photographs.