Halfway Point Check-In
Melanie V. Eusebe MBE HON LLD
Director, Diversity & Inclusion; Founder of the Black British Business Awards; Author; Entrepreneur
Now that we are days away from the halfway mark of 2022, let's check in with ourselves.
Have you made any progress at all toward your New Years Goals?
If the answer is yes, let’s celebrate that. Seriously!
I’ve heard far too many people say they don’t want to take stock of their progress because they know they are behind.
Don’t let your brain trick you into thinking you are failing!
This is not an invitation to beat yourself up. It is a time to be honest. How much progress have you made? What have you learned? Is there anything you need to do to change or correct course?
Feeling stuck or uninspired by your financial goals? I can help!
Be sure to pick up my book,?Financial Wellness and How to Find It.