"Halfway Home"
Luke 5:20 “So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.”
“Are we there yet?” 15 minutes later…. “Are we there yet?” When my kids were growing we went to Disney World. How many times I heard those words on the way there. But on the way home, they all just slept and left me to make the 10 hour drive home. With everyone asleep and the road that seem to lead into eternity I remember counting the mile marker signs that seemed to never end.
They are now gone and have families of their own. I look at them and the memories they are going to make and how much life they have ahead of them. Me, I am rounding third base and heading for home. I am more than halfway through my time left here on earth. I’ve done good things and I have done many things I wish I had done differently. My biggest regret is not accepting the call of God when I was just rounding first base. But I know that He will be waiting there for me as I approach the finish line.
“FINISH STRONG”, that is the what I will try to do. I may not make it all the way to home plate, but I will be running as hard as I can until He calls me safe.
LORD, I thank you that you came more that halfway to save me. I look forward to the time I will finally make it home. It is in YOUR name I pray. We will talk again soon and often. YOUR TURN“So