"A Half Dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts For Your Brain…"
Happy, Blissful, Mighta Bumped My Head And Stayed Home For Giggles Kind Of Friday…
…And I hope Krispy Kreme doesn’t mind, actually this should be a good plug for them…
…Tell me you can’t smell it the minute someone says the name, Krispy Kreme. That doughy, melting sugary mess of a thing….uh, it should be illegal. And then, the low carb thing came along years back and almost killed ‘em! It put one store near me out of business….we held a vigil.
Anyway, that’s the ‘feeling’ I want to try to help create in your head. Now, before you continue, you must be warned;
This may actually be like combining those amazing donuts with the coldest glass of whole, ya, you might as well load up right, combine that sloppy, fat, buttery sugar goodness with a full power glass of all that fat, creamy, white milk.
(Man, I know the ‘granola Birkenstock’ crowd is gonna be twitching already. Just wait till I do an article and relate it to meat)
But, expect that stupid brain freeze headache, first. The subject we’re going to delve into this morning is deep. But for all the success in life I’ve been blessed to experience, it is the blessings of God, and in my opinion, my understanding of God and how I allow him to express through me that is due all the real credit for my fortune.
I may have developed some pretty good techniques- gifts from and through God. I may have helped thousands of people all over the world- the gift of absorbable communication skills, again, a gift from God.
However, these gifts come to me through Creation, which I simply identify as ‘God’ and that makes my interpretation different than some. I hope, as we continue, you will simply accept this as Source, in my opinion, and then you may receive to assimilate however you see fit in your belief systems.
Headache yet?
Mine a little, thanks for asking.
I’m ok though cause while the ache begins, the vision of a fresh, sugar drizzled, crispy doughy thingy is still right in front…like a rabbit leads at the track.
Oh btw, when we get to the nugget sharing part, the donuts if you will, please do not count them. I don’t know if there’s exactly six or not, but let me share a rule from my local donutisi (that’s Italian for lovers of donuts like Ducatisi for Italian bikes…and yeah, I made it up. It’s my story, I can do that). Anyway, it’s rude to count donuts, that was my point. You’re only going to make the person in front of you self conscious and the person behind you worried…if your in a donut line. Not to self- Lesson 1 complete.
My brain donuts for you today are to help you to see far ahead, not only into the future, but clearly ahead into the success you are already having in your business now. Notice we combined future tense with present tense. Lesson 2 complete. Think gooey goodness. See Mark 11:22-23.
If you study success and your relation to God or w/e you believe Creation to be…and then you study those whom appear to have been able to manifest what we define to be success, I believe you can unilaterally draw a line through specific similarities.
I don’t count myself as one of those, I’m referring to people like Richard Branson, David Bach, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey….people who truly have success…but also a levelness about them. I can be a bit unstable, I’m working on it and my therapsists says I may get a sticker just for this article.
This list is subjective and incomplete, modify as you see fit. My point, is that these types of people have an innate ability to see themselves in the present as they expect themselves to become. I believe you’re witnessing a connection that is particularly difficult to see in most people…so pay attention.
I am certain, without any reservation, this understanding is the only path to success, unlimited in potential and reality. I am certain man lives in one level of consciousness at a time, and only the highest form of such consciousness can allow for the greatest level of success. That isn’t so say that you cannot or will not be successful with any lower level of consciousness, but it is to say that the greatest level of success can only exist within the highest level of consciousness. So, bleow are the 3 levels of consciousness of man.
Our purpose, in my opinion, is to learn to occupy, consciously, the highest level of such and then to remain there, consciously unconscious.
Feel as you read these levels. Notice how you can feel that you may occupy all of these levels at any given, certain time, but that you ‘live’ in only one of these. Identifying where you live is a huge part of knowing where you want to live. Tip- They should be one in the same place.
However, warning again- I have never met a single human that ‘lives’ in the highest level, all of the time, 100%. I have studied people whom appear to have been able to achieve that, but it is extremely rare and highly unlikely at this point in our development.
The super cool part, in my opinion, is that is possible. And even cooler I think is imagining what that might look like knowing that if the very best of us only ‘live’ in the highst form of consciousness for brief moments or only in specific areas of our lives, what will the world look like when…
Btw, as you read these levels, think of the most amazing technologies, the most disruptive product introductions like the iPhone, the PC, the Mac…the telephone, the Pet Rock (ya, I think it counts come on), the microwave oven, the automobile…etc
The Directive- Man has not completely developed out of this consciousness...yet, but we are super close. There are massive equilibrium shifts yet to come as signs of completion, but this is the lowest form of consciousness.
In this consciousness, man requires to be instructed what to think, what to do and how to act.
It is easy to see this consciousness in a childs first lifecycle, age 0-7. A child this age looks to its guardians for all of its needs, wants and desires. A child, in the stage of consciousness looks to be taught all things. A child has no understanding that it is and owns omnipotent knowledge. A child, in this stage believes that the physical experience is 'the beginning.’
Millions of adults are still in this consciousness....but it is waning.
The Competitive- A majority of man exists in this consciousness. Here, man believes he can create, but he believes he must control all variables. Here man believes there must be limits, expiration dates and a finite amount of resources. In this consciousness man has risen to new heights of accomplishment, fulfillment and reality and although this consciousness has been active in man only since maybe the 18th century, he has progressed more in the following 200+ years than in all the previous years combined.
This consciousness also has great downsides though. This consciousness still produces war, disease, anger, fear, jealously and manifests forms of what we interpret to be decay. Man, as a general species, still cannot consume the concept of true limitness.
The Creative- This is Kalob as Einstein might have conceived. It is the center of the Universe. It is the founding of all consciousness. This is God. Whatever form, gender, description or identification man needs to describe Source, it is The Creative Consciousness. When man begins, and a very few have, some even now continue, but when man realizes he can live here, spiritually which is the expression or degree of source, man becomes limitless. Buddha is probably my favorite example. He didn’t use this consciousness to create. He used it to understand.
The Creative Consciousness sees no end of anything or all things. It creates from 'nothing' although this 'nothing' is omnipresent substance. It has no beginning or end. It simply is. It is in this consciousness, from which sprang man and in which he still continues...but when he becomes consciously unconscious and aware that he is unconscious, man will discover that the immortality he longs for was and is forever and ever.
When man accepts, as a general population, this consciousness...and this may yet be hundreds of years off, he will spin into harmonious 'Critical Mass' and occupy a state of mind that he is, always has been and always will be and his development will make these last 200+ years of the predominantly Competitive Consciousness look even more archaic than previous thousands of years to the formation of Earth.
Here in lies your challenge, the rest of the donuts for today. Eat. Consume. It is very doable to become aware of this higher level of consciousness, and even to ‘live’ here for moments at a time.
It requires intense concentration. It requires singular vision. But, you’ll know when you are able and when you have done so…because your light will shine so bright you will become a beacon to the world. You’ll know because customers will suddenly begin to beat your door down.
As then, the real challenge then, will be to hold steady. Look around, you’ll see great examples of this….success on any scale, any level with balance.
And with that, Happy Friday. Hope you left a couple donuts and a little milk for the next person.