Half-baked 'Health'- no, thank you!
Numocore School of Medicine and Consciousness
Healing is possible.
Christian Edmund recently asked me what I would tell young people about #health on his Sun Seeker Podcast.
Eat your veggies? Exercise? Sleep well?
All are important, but I wouldn't lead with any of these. I would lead with the most critical piece of information: The experts who are creating our "health"-related systems are not trained to investigate what health is, generally do not know what health is, and are too dependent on the paved path to change course. Insane, but true.
This is an opportunity for those who are young at heart to see the emperor has no clothes, and to define for themselves (ourselves, all of us, including the apparent experts) what health really means and feels like at an individual, systemic, global level - and to settle for nothing less than true Health.
Watch this brief clip and share with the young at heart.
As always, if you are interested in expanding your mind and learning more about deep healing, the nature of reality, true health and more do register for our immensely popular, free webinar to discover what true health means, scheduled to start in a few hours.
?Kind regards,
Dr. Anoop Kumar
Co-founder and CEO