Haley's Comet Prayer and Ceremony
James Graywolf Petruzzi
Teacher, guide, student at Sanctuaries of the Earth Mother
Some prayer and ceremony to support our action work
The two peak nights are this Monday and Tues. - 10/21 and 22. I feel huge energy with this. If you try to see it - watch for the tail. Then sit or lay down and let the energy play through you. Connect to your spirit and then to the circle of life. This is Unity Energy - and we need that badly! The old ones tell us we can use this to help us work on ourselves and unite our energy with all positive people and animals.
I will be doing ceremony both nights. I welcome anyone to connect with me. I will be sending prayers for the uniting of the four colors and all people and the end of the divisive energy and people that have been so prevalent. I will focus on the prophecies that speak to everyone uniting. How we must connect as men and women to bring forth this new Earth we seek. This is the complimentary medicine to the work of the activists. Black Elk's prophecy around this will be my center point. Join me.
The Phoenix is crashing to Earth engulfed in flames now - burning all to ash. This is also part of the teachings of many cultures. From these ashes we will - again in unity - plant the garden in the scorched land and feed the new ways.
I hope this answers some of the questions that have been asked of me. I welcome others who have been taught about this time by their elders to speak as well. While the comet streaks over us take the hands of your brothers and sisters - the paws of the animals - and the limbs of the trees and be the change together.
Hoka hey - it's a good day for the old dark energy to die and the Phoenix to rise in us all.
~ Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
human being