What if I told you that HALCO USA is "TRANSFORMING HOOK AND LOOP", LIKE NO ONE IN THE INDUSTRY?  What if I told you that just because you see hook and loop one way, does not mean that it has to stay that way?  Well...  IT'S TRUE.  Hook and loop has always been "Just Hook and Loop".  It has a function, it opens and closes, you can buy it just about anywhere, including Alibaba, but how about a NEW WAY TO THINK ABOUT HOOK AND LOOP?  Let me explain...  HALCO USA is on the path of becoming one of the only companies in the HOOK and LOOP market today that can take HOOK AND LOOP and TRANSFORM IT exactly how you want it.  Besides changing the color, which anyone can do, HALCO 'S TEAM will work together with your engineers and designers to come up with a special hook and loop fastening tape that will meet the needs of your product lines, or the needs of your customers products lines.  How you may ask?  It is easy..,HOOK and LOOP is NOT OUR SIDE LINE, IT IS OUR ONLY LINE. With that being said, we are listening to our customers needs and have added more than 20 new product lines in the past 6 months and  LOTS more coming. HALCO USA has the ability to show the "UP and Coming" NEW TRENDS, NEW TEXTURES, and NEW FUNCTIONS.  Our team of highly educated Sales Associates are trained to know exactly what hooks go with what loops, and through a process, are there to guide you as well as suggest new types of materials that will put you in the forefront of your competition. 

In all of my 20+ years in the industry, I can honestly tell you that I am so very proud of where HALCO USA is headed. We are the only supplier in the hook and loop industry that is coming up with as many new products as we are. We are completely focused and know exactly where we are headed. That alone is very impressive. Our "BRAND NEW" Carbon Fiber, our Suede-X, our "BRAND NEW" Faux Leather Backing, our "BRAND NEW" Ballistic Backing, our Water Resistant hook and loop, our Webbing that has loop embedded into it, not sewn, no adhesive. It is actually one piece, and the weight is amazing, 1" @ 450lbs and incremental all the way to 4", and it comes in colors too with a low 3,000 yard min.  These are just some of our "NEW" goodies.  How about if the hook that is on our Suede-x is not exactly what you had in mind?  No problem, let's change it.  How about if our Double Faced Loop is not the right color for your needs?, OK, let's change that too. How about the thread used in our Zig Zag, do you want it to POP?  OK, Let's change that too to a different color, SIlver?, Red? Blue?  How about if you need a stronger back to back version, or a softer, or one that has less strength for a more disposable application, maybe it isn't the hook, but rather the loop you want to change?  No problem, Together we can figure it out, and make it how you want it.  How about if you let us know what you would like to see on your product lines, and we help you get from where you are now, to where you want to be?  Now are you getting it?  TRANSFORMING HOOK and LOOP has been one of the best accomplishments HALCO USA has ever come up with.  Not only are our customers excited to be able to finally have a say so regarding their materials, but we are all having so much fun working together and creating new opportunities. Whether you are looking to re-vamp an old product, or have a new one you are working on, please call us to share this experience with you, and together we can move mountains.  LET'S TRANSFORM TOGETHER.  www.halcousa,com   Call us to become a part of our monthly e-mail blasts.  You will  have the inside scoop of all our "BRAND NEW" product lines sent to you by email before they hit the open market.  


Robyn Rogers

Corporate Accounts Manager

Halco USA



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