Hair Mineral Testing For Hormonal Imbalances

Hair Mineral Testing For Hormonal Imbalances


Are you feeling out of balance? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are experiencing hormone imbalances due to busy lifestyles and stressors from everyday life and work, environmental toxins, endocrine disruptors and more. Fortunately, There is hair testing for hormonal imbalances! A hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) can be used to understand more about the underlying causes and help identify treatments for those who suffer from hormonal disorders. In this blog post, we'll discuss how hair mineral testing analysis works and why it's beneficial in discovering hormonal issues and helping support the healing process. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of your body's ability to naturally heal and regulate itself with the help of hair tissue mineral analysis. 


Minerals and hormones have a complex interdependent relationship in the body. Hormones, which are chemical messengers, rely on certain minerals to function properly. For example, the thyroid gland requires iodine to produce the hormone thyroxine, which regulates metabolism. Similarly, zinc is required for the production and functioning of many hormones, including insulin, growth hormone, and testosterone. On the other hand, certain minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, can be affected by hormones. For instance, parathyroid hormone, which regulates calcium levels in the body, can cause the release of calcium from bones into the bloodstream. Hair testing for hormonal imbalances and understanding the relationship between minerals and hormones is crucial for maintaining proper bodily function and preventing deficiencies or imbalances.

Our bodies are like machines, covered in tiny cells that run the show. But just like a machine needs fuel to work, our cells need energy and nutrients to function properly. Energy usually means calories, but minerals play an important role too. They help our cells produce enzymes, which are like little sparks that speed up reactions inside our bodies. So remember to nourish your cells with the right minerals, and keep your machine running smoothly.

Our body's endocrine organs such as adrenals, thyroid, and gonads, are fueled by minerals that activate cells to produce hormones via enzymatic reactions. These hormones act as messengers between cells, with each hormone instructing the next cell what to do. 


While both tests provide insight into your levels of vitamins and minerals, the main difference is that blood work only shows what's currently circulating in your bloodstream while HTMA shows what's stored in your tissues. Plus, HTMA also provides additional information on heavy metal toxicity, stress hormone levels, and metabolic function. So if you're looking for a more complete picture of your body's nutrient status, Hair testing for hormonal Iimbalances might be the way to go.

The advantages of HTMA testing over blood work for tracking hormonal changes cannot be overlooked. Here are a few key reasons why this approach is so valuable:

  1. Blood work may provide a glimpse into the body's hormone levels at one specific moment in time, but it's important to note that this information is just a mere snapshot. It doesn't reveal any potential fluctuations in hormone levels throughout the day, nor does it indicate whether the hormone is being used correctly in a particular organ. Moreover, blood work doesn't disclose any build-up of hormones in the tissue, and it only captures data from the last 24 hours.
  2. If you're curious about your mineral and metal levels, HTMA testing can give you valuable insights. This 3-month analysis doesn't just show your bloodstream levels - it takes a deeper dive into how these elements affect your hormones at the cellular level. After all, it's not just about getting from point A to point B - it's about making sure everything along the way is working properly.
  3. It's a common frustration that doctors often don't order all the necessary hormone tests. This makes it challenging to fully understand what's going on in the body. However, HTMAs offer a comprehensive look at the entire body, allowing us to connect the dots beyond just the endocrine system. With this information, we can make more informed decisions about compounding treatments.
  4. The mineral levels in our bodies are at the mercy of heavy metals. That's why analyzing HTMAs is crucial. Simply relying on blood tests to measure hormones is not enough to provide a complete picture of our health status.


If you're experiencing a range of hormonal imbalances, it can be tough to know where to turn. That's where HTMAs come in and using hair testing for hormonal imbalances. This powerful test examines samples of hair to help identify mineral imbalances and toxic metal accumulation in the body. When it comes to hormonal issues, HTMA can be especially helpful in identifying imbalances that might be contributing to mood swings, fatigue, low libido, menstrual irregularities and other symptoms. By taking a closer look at your body's mineral makeup, you may be able to pinpoint the root cause of your hormonal issues so that you can take steps to address them head-on. 



Discover a powerful anti-inflammatory that has a unique ability to calm the nervous system. This essential mineral is essential for overall well-being and is often depleted during times of stress. High levels may indicate a struggle to properly absorb and utilize magnesium, while low levels can signal a deficiency.


The kidney and adrenal glands produce a hormone called aldosterone, which helps the body hold onto sodium during stressful situations. Recent research has shown a connection between increased levels of aldosterone and inflammation or infection.


The hormone cortisol is crucial for providing us with the energy to dominate the day. However, when it comes to measuring cortisol levels, it's all about potassium. Elevated levels of potassium can signify heightened cortisol, while a decrease in potassium may point to insufficient cortisol levels. So keep an eye on those potassium numbers!


This is recognized as the “Vitality Ratio” on an HTMA, and not necessarily an adrenal ratio. However, we have included it here because of the three main nutrients the adrenals primarily work off of are sodium, potassium and vitamin C. This ratio can not only point to the adrenals struggling, but where a stress might be coming from, depending if the ratio is high or low. It can indicate heavy metal toxicity, gut issues, unresolved trauma and more. 


Boosting your energy levels can be difficult when your adrenal glands aren't functioning properly. A high adrenal ratio may indicate that your adrenal glands are working overtime, while a low ratio suggests that they could use a boost. Understanding your adrenal ratio is key to maintaining optimal health and energy levels.



By acting as a cellular buffer, calcium plays a key role in regulating absorption and mitigation within cells. Plus, it's not just our cells that are influenced by this mineral - the thyroid gland also produces calcitonin to control our calcium levels. Interestingly, higher levels of calcium can actually lead to lower thyroid activity.


It's essential to have enough potassium in our bodies to help our cells absorb thyroid hormone. Think of it like a key and lock scenario - without enough potassium, the "key" (thyroid hormone) won't fit into the "lock" (the cells) properly. So, make sure you're getting enough potassium to help unlock the benefits of thyroid hormone for your body.


Even though selenium is not part of a major ratio on a HTMA, it is still an indicator we like to look to when assessing thyroid function. It is required for the production of T4 in the thyroid gland itself and works synergistically with iodine. 


If your body has an imbalance in thyroid activity, it can affect your overall health. A high ratio suggests you’re leaning towards a hypothyroid state whereas a low ratio could mean an overactive thyroid.



Did you know that zinc has different meanings for men and women? For males, zinc is linked solely to testosterone, while for women, it can also indicate progesterone levels. Although it's not often found to be in excess on a HTMA, elevated zinc levels can be a result of supplementation or a loss.


A mineral with the ability to mimic estrogen is a concern for those trying to avoid estrogen dominance. Detoxing this hormone through bile is essential. However, some individuals experience a condition referred to as copper dysregulation, which can be misinterpreted even when copper levels are low. Seeking the help of a qualified HTMA practitioner is the best course of action to interpret results accurately. 


When it comes to copper and zinc, their ratio can tell us a lot about an individual's health. If the ratio is high, it could point to copper issues and hidden estrogen dominance or a copper deficiency (depending on one’s metabolic type on an HTMA). On the flip side, a low ratio may indicate zinc deficiency or copper dysregulation, which can lead again to low progesterone and/or testosterone.


The last thing I wanted to mention was that yes, minerals are important in evaluating the root cause of one's hormonal imbalances, but it’s also important to look to outside stressors that could influence these mineral dysregulations. Think your diet, sleep, exercise routine, blood sugar levels, work stress, environmental toxins, relationships, past trauma, and heavy metals. While we can indicate some of these issues on a hair test as well, no test is perfect, and in most cases, people usually have an instinctual gut feeling in knowing what needs to be removed to heal. It's fascinating how these tiny minerals can play such a crucial role in our cellular communication system and why hair testing for hormonal imbalances is so vital to health!

On the note of heavy metals, these compounds can most definitely influence mineral status, which is another factor HTMAs are useful for. For instance, if one has mercury toxicity, this will push out both selenium and zinc out of the body, which can then cause issues like low testosterone, low progesterone, infertility, irregular periods, heavy periods, painful periods, hypothyroidism, hashimoto’s, and anything in between. This is why the test in itself is a full body evaluation. 

If you’re interested in going deeper and verifying what are your mineral statuses to get to the root cause of your hormonal imbalances, we urge you to click here to order your test kit today!


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